The base of the 150-seat container already has 110 coronavirus patients, and nearly half of the forty fans are occupied. According to the hospital director, Szeged and Kecskemét have become focal points, in these cities a mask must be worn on the street.

Currently, more than 110 moderate or severe coronavirus infections are being treated at Kiskunhalas Mobile Epidemic Hospital, said Szabolcs Szepesvári, Director General of the University of Szeged Teaching Hospital at Semmelweis Hospital in Kiskunhalas.

He said that if the number of patients increases to such an extent,

the 150-person epidemiological hospital, serving three counties, can fill up in a short time.

The 40-bed intensive care unit of the epidemiological hospital, which opened on October 1, is currently treating 16 patients. If necessary, they can expand their intensive capacity by 32 beds, but this also requires an increase in the number of qualified personnel. In addition to the Halas hospital staff, doctors and nurses from Baja, Kecskemét, Kalocsa, Kiskunfélegyháza, Szeged, Orosháza and Békéscsaba also work at the epidemic hospital.

The general manager also gave an interview to Halas Tv, in which he said that the rheumatology department does not work now at the Kiskunhalas hospital, but it was not clear why it was necessary to empty the wards. In the television conversation, Szabolcs Szepesvári, who runs the Semmelweis Hospital in Kiskunhalas, only made reference to the placement of nurses from other parts of the country.

In the interview, he also spoke about the fact that the large cities near Kiskunhalas, Szeged and Kecskemét, have become focal points, where it would be justified from an epidemiological point of view to wear a mask on the street.

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