Index – National – Dora Dúró strikes back: Márk Lakatos cannot be a benchmark at all


The vice president and member of parliament of the Nuestro País Movement responded on his Facebook page that Márk Lakatos, style consultant and blogger for Mark & ​​More, analyzed his clothing for Index. He also attached or added photos to his post: the style consultant in the pictures “is not in style” and “there can be no reference point.”

Dora Dúró also wrote that Márk Lakatos had slipped when he called the official Balaton army tent crossing a “semi-military camp”.

It also turned out from the description of the original image that I filled in the distance at that time in the connection to the Floating Fortress, which compresses the patriots (and their relatives)

He said. According to the deputy, Márk Lakatos prefers

should you devote your energy to this type of sports competition, it could also improve your appearance.

“Márk Lakatos, a style consultant, on the way of dressing of Dora Dúró”, is the title that the Index told him about his homosexuality …

Posted bydóra Dúró – Saturday, October 24, 2020

Once I was lucky enough to do it, that is, with her husband, Novák Novd, with whom she appeared in a semi-military camp as Tarzan and Jane. Dora was in a camouflage bikini, her husband in a similar swallow, with which they became a caricature of them

Mart Lakatos told the Index earlier.

According to the style consultant ,dóra Dúró “operates with a dress system that vomits on the conservative wardrobe in Parliament” and “feels close to the strong patterns, the pop-art atmosphere of the 60s, which at least characterizes it , but it is not the parliamentarian using corridors ”.
