A radio transmitter was attached to the killer wasps with dental floss, so they found their nest.


Professionals dressed in protective gear successfully sniffed out a tree in Washington state, U.S., on Saturday, the first nest of giant hornets or killer wasps from Asia to be discovered since the insects were brought into the country.

After the wasps growing up to 5-6 centimeters. experts from the local agriculture ministry investigated for weeks. The imported bumblebee from Asia is mainly dangerous to bees because a few wasps can destroy an entire bee colony in a matter of hours.

People are not safe from them either, because they can sting more than once with a bite greater than half an inch, and they inject large amounts of strong venom into the bodies of their victims. Additionally, the killer wasp can spit venom into its victim’s eyes, causing corrosive pain. Despite their names, these wasps kill only a few dozen people a year in Asia, where they are native, while traditional wasps and bees are much more deadly, killing about 60 people a year in the United States.

A Washington Department of Agriculture entomologist shows a destroyed Asian giant wasp on May 7, 2020.Source: AFP / Elaine Thompson

The experts managed to track the wasp nest so that managed to capture alive several wasps to which a radio transmitter was attached with dental floss, and one of them led them back to the nest, It was about the size of a basketball and could hold between 100 and 200 wasps. Authorities said the tree the nest was in was cut down and inspected to make sure all the insects were completely destroyed and to see if the queens had left the nest earlier, that they could establish more and more nests.
Asian giant wasps were first sighted last December in Blaine, Washington, USA.
