The Nyregyhza-Debrecen football match generates great emotions


On Sunday evening at 7.30pm, the Nyregyhza-Debrecen clash with the biggest interest of the entire NB II season will take place in Nyregyh. According to the news, all tickets for the meeting have been sold, with Loki Dzsudzsk Balzzs arriving at the county seat in Szabolcs as the leader of the list. In our day today, we give a lot of life to the great parties of the old world.

We want to win in Nyregyh, we hope to fight with good matches. We talk a lot in the week about the cartel, we all know how important this meeting is. “This was stated by the DVSC team captain to the Hajd-Bihari Napl ahead of the Nyregyhza-Debrecen battle in Sunday’s eastern derby with great interest. The table team NB II In the Debrecen team could be optimistic, since the red and white line accumulated more points than the fourth place if rivlisa in fourth place.
This is not a new hour, but 42 years ago. In 1978, he called Debrecen’s captain Kiss Jnos, who also participated in the debate. Jnos Kiss’s words were obviously edited by the jsg at the time, because they don’t reflect the elevated atmosphere in which the two Eastern Red Drag Hosts handled this clash. The DVSC then played for the fifteenth time outside the division in a series, and neither the players nor the fans wanted to make a pitch in the second division. The situation was bad with NyVSSC, there was no football team at such a height before. And the year came, NB II was the most daring team to join NB I. And of course the guilty red team will be taught this Sunday. The meeting is still legendary here, then 40 children’s coaches, Mikls Temesvri had a special picnic, as he graduated from Kossuth University in Debrecen, and also played soccer there.

Mikls Temesvri, a young coach, was also the teacher of NyregyhzaSource: Origo

Then as a young coach, Nyregyhzn made a great team and started a battle against the people of Debrecen trying to get into play.

There was an atmosphere at this 1978 meeting that the country had never been through this corner. On Sunday, the Debrecen fans, who were the first, set off for the morning train. Then the others went by bus, then the most comfortable and talented by car. 7,000 printers from Debrecen came to Nyregyh. The toughest made a serious parade from llom to the stadium. The home team beat a bigger team alone at the stadium during the week. I am very big. 25,000 people were enraged at that NB II match. At that time, neither jerseys nor flags could be obtained, and the printers themselves created the means to cheer. also a royal instrument gave the title to its oriental rank. The mood reached the atmosphere of the double ranks in the npstadion that reached its last. However, the presence of the forces of order was not reduced. People closed their eyes to a more solid slap to the face. However, at that time the system was not even at the level of the level, and the uniforms were perfectly trained for distribution. For example, the smallest stadiums in the stadium and the largest ones on the street were included in the “get young people out of excess steam, there should be no more problems.” That 78 home race was won by the home team 1-0 with Farkas. However, at the end of the season, DVSC made it to NB I.

The Nyregyhza is a v mlva quetta. In the spring of 1980, the kt team met at the Nyrsgi county seat. Trtnetk will be classified in the highest class. It is similar behind the scenes as two years ago. and with the same result: the Industry won 1-0, this time with Kiss Mikls. Once again, the triumph of the Northerners sounded, leaving the team with “science and the director of Timisoara”.

Ferenc Kovcs, who had a tough time coaching the DMVSC in the marches against NyregyhzaSource: MTI / Wber Lajos

A little later, however, Loki was able to win 1-0 in Nyregyhzi’s match with Jankovics. m this meeting also remains memorable because the depth of the two wines has reached a level. and then he was overwhelmed by verbal threats and smaller slaps. Here mr hbor dlt. Pter: Gerhzi Pter: Champion team in red and white cm book mentions nickname Debrecen Cimpi mentions Nyregyhzi derby of 1981 We lagged far behind the others, but we didn’t, because at that time we were carrying many tools, chains, horseshoes, and a hundred nails. Suddenly the squirrels began to fly, one of the heads of the src. We fled for a while, then we turned around and hit the locals. One of them entered a phone booth, we wanted to get him out of there when they grabbed me with a padlock. The others, on the other hand, discovered the aggressor and were a bit upset. Hungarian fans sought us out for the closest visit to Nyregyhegy. The police only diverted them from our sector a few millimeters, they could be found nearby. They were found on the head with an iron ball, they had to be taken to krhz. I couldn’t see the brand, but managed to buy it later in Debrecen. “

Who knows how long the clashes of the two wines will degenerate if they are not dropped from NB I under the leadership of Ferenc Kovcs, who arrived in Debrecen in 1983. After that, the two races were often played in separate classes. When both were in NB II, mr was not as interesting in rivalry as in the first. There has been a systemic decline, a sharp decline in our football and many things have distracted the people of this capital.

Then in 1998 he raced again in NB I with two rivlis. After 15 years, the Nyregyhza-Debrecen march was re-organized. This reawakened the interest of the fans. Many of the former “street fighters” also came to the match and, of course, a new generation of supporters grew. We had heard of this rivalry before. But it was another time.

The pleasant fronts were replaced by the security administrators, the quiet notebooks, the muscular admits. However, before the Nyregyhza-DVSC match at the end of September, there was a certain Ferencvros-jpest battle, of which, fortunately, there was not a big street confrontation in our country in relation to football. The garbage flew, it flew in the capital, they got all the gloomy things, they could only make order with the attacks on horseback of the police. After that, an Eastern event was held in the Eastern derby. Mr-mr is under pressure behind the scenes. The lord could not be disorganized printers. In the Nagylloms in Debrecen, only Loki supporters could board a special train to Nyregyhz at the local police station. At Nyregyhz train station, a police force took a train in eastern Hungary. The Hrom County uniforms gathered there, and in addition to the two counties involved, the toughest members of the Borsod-Abaj Zempln County Captaincy also came. Practically, the Debrecen fans reached the stadium on the line where the above-mentioned actions took place. At the measurement site, the two wines were hermetically separated from each other. I also had to do it, because 16,000 people crashed into the stadium. The eastern derby, which until now had been descending without any precautionary measure, was observed on the spot by the then Minister of Sport, Deutsch Tams, who said in color: The cross is fantastic, you don’t need more than one mark. Of course, Zrika says: Nüregyhzi’s ultrk annoys the people of Debrecen, the people of Debrecen annoys the people of Dyrs. But mg mgfr .. “

Andrs Heczeg may have some very unpleasant memories of the matches against NyregyhzaForrs: AFP / Filippo Monteforte

After the first flight, the people of the world did something of which there are not many examples in the history of the world. They were obtained in 22 minutes: head, 11 control and double. 4-0 in the 72nd minute!

“Ga Loki, like a rag …” said the Hungarian captain. brought Loki to the league. But even on hair, he couldn’t do a miracle with a team. Although the Debrecen people embellished the results a bit in the end, they could not forgive the 4-2 Industrial victory. Some of the ultras did not attend the next home match, and those who were there, without flags, banners and other fan accessories, silently watched the match against Dunajvros. This battle has brought extremely serious emotions to the surface in the past.
There were no more than 16,000 people in this eastern derby. This was due in part to the filling of the stadiums, that is, the phasing out of the sites. The two teams began to drift away from each other. Debrecen won the championship title seven times, Nyregyhza only saw him from second place. Then in the spring the Debrecen also dropped out here, and in this regiment they will meet in the NB II derby.

Balzs Judzsk will no doubt be a member of Debrecen’s starting team at Nyregyhzn.Photo: Polyk Attila – Origo

For weeks, there has been a lot of interest in tickets, tickets for Debrecen have been sold to many owners, and domestic prices are also running low. There can be no complaints about the mood.

Origo Sport knows the location on Sunday night.
