Contents – Sports – The first twenty years were quite good – Birthday interview with Dominik Szoboszlai


What were the first twenty years like? What did you plan when you were little and what did you realize?

What I had planned has been achieved so far, everything is going more or less as I wanted. I wanted to be a footballer, I think it worked. I am on a good path to make my dreams come true.

More specifically?

I wanted to play in the Champions League, hear the BL anthem on the pitch, and not just on the internet or on television. He has already achieved it, I will continue on this path.

Is it okay on time?

I think so, at the age of nineteen not everyone can tell you that they have nine BL games -8 plus one next to the qualifying round- in which they scored three goals …

And not just any goal!

Well, on Wednesday I got to Lokomotiv Moscow pretty well, I have to say.

Would you remember?

There was talk that I wouldn’t come out to kick the corner, anyway, that was the only time I didn’t make our corner or our free kick, instead Junuzović does the kick and I back off as everyone walks with people around the top five . It also happened that Junuzović passed the ball to me and rolled it into force for a long time. It has been relatively good.

They form a perfect-looking couple with Mátyás Esterházy, their manager. How decisive was this meeting in your life?

He saw me play for the first time when he was fourteen and we met a year later. It is very important that he has been by my side throughout my career up to now and that he is still by my side. Without him, I might not be here where I am now.

I think he is taking my career in the right direction, which is why I am with him.

Our relationship is not just a coach-player relationship, but more than that: we can talk about anything that can only happen between friends. Yes, Matyi is very important to me.

In such collaboration, trust is paramount.

We absolutely have this, we accept each other’s opinions.

Who are the three most important people in your life and now I’m mainly thinking about the professional aspects?

Wow … My life has changed a bit lately because I had a girlfriend again three months ago and she is very important to me. Therefore, I prefer to say four people, in fact, plus five: my sister, Sophi, but she is only four years old, my father, my mother, Matyi and my girlfriend. This includes profession and privacy. I think they are the ones who want the best for me and who can help me in everything.

The other day I saw a video made after the goal scored for the Slovaks in the national team. The reporter asked you what you meant when Balázs Dzsudzsák delivered the ball before the free kick, and you replied: Well, get drunk! You remember?

Not now, but I can imagine he was serious.

Do you think you are not bad with confidence in yourself?

No, I’m doing pretty well, but without self-confidence, I can’t even play football at the level I play. In the Champions League or anywhere.

I wouldn’t say this for being arrogant, because anyone who knows you closely knows what I am like, and I’m really not arrogant.

And who does not know, think what you want. The problem is that many confuse self-confidence with arrogance, although they are not the same.

You have envy?

I think everyone is envious because I may not be understanding with everyone, maybe there are those who think they are arrogant and stuff. But I don’t really care, I just pay attention and focus, and … that’s it.

How do you feel about your place in the hierarchy within your club team? Each team has an order that the players achieve with their performance.

Well, we don’t have that order in Salzburg, but I am in the vocal brigade, so to speak, among those in the center of the team. But we don’t really have someone with a more important word than others. But I feel like I am an important member of this community.

And in the national team?

I think that’s where I became. Unfortunately now I was unable to go to the matches against the Bulgarians and the Serbs, but I am sure that I will be there against Iceland on November 12, when our participation in the European Championship is finally at stake. In principle, it is certain that they will be released unless the coronavirus intervenes.

They face an incredible series after Saturday’s game against Austria Wien!

In fourteen days we will travel to Vienna (where he won 2-0, Dominik gave a last goal – ed.), Then on Tuesday we will play Atlético in Madrid, next Saturday we will host Wattens in the Bundesliga, on November 3 Bayern Munich, then the eighth we traveled to the Rapid in Vienna. In addition, there will be a qualifier for the European Championship against Iceland on November 12, and on November 11 we will host the Serbs and on November 18 the Turks in the Nations League. It will be a good little rehearsal, but thanks to those rehearsals you will be a soccer player. I can draw attention to myself in games like this.

I don’t see them as a grueling series, but as a great opportunity. I’m not afraid of these games, on the contrary: I can’t wait any longer for them.

Are you confident in our progress?

I think we have to go onto the field with one hundred percent confidence. Sure, Iceland is a stronger national team than Bulgaria, but nothing is impossible. Our team is in great shape, everyone is in good shape, I think we are stronger than we have been for half a year or a year.

He doesn’t stay in line, in fact …

Dominik Szoboszlai has played ten national team matches so far and has scored two goals. Before the age of twenty, not many Hungarian footballers could boast of a similar performance, especially better. Among the legendary figures of our football, Gyula Zsengellér, András Törőcsik, Tibor Nyilasi, Lajos Détári or Balázs Dzsudzsák were not among the best before their twentieth birthday. Ferenc Puskás scored six goals in five games for the national team, Albert Flórián scored 11 goals in 18 games, and the balance of Sándor Kocsis at the age of 4/4 U20. Zoltán Varga was a player for the national team twice, but did not score. Among the very old, György Orth’s record is 7 games, 3 goals, Imréé Schlosser 9 goals in 14 games, György Sárosi 7/0. In short, “Room” is really good in terms of time.
