The man who had exterminated his family spoke with innocent eyes in front of the cameras


Christopher Watts and Shannan Watts met online. After a difficult period in her life, she met the man, whom she had not allowed to get close to for a long time, until she thought Chris was real. Then they moved to Denver, got married and had two girls, Bella and Celeste. Shannan sold consumer goods and her husband worked as a manager for an oil company.

The woman shared almost everything on her social site where She showed a photo of her family like where everything is perfect, she was thankful every day for her husband and little daughters. Maybe that’s why it’s all so shocking, because the documentary about them reveals the shocking details of the triple murder, footage from police cameras, video footage of the interrogation of the man and the woman’s online posts, and the messages that were sent. they send each other in near real time. .

Source: Weld County DA

On the night of August 13, 2018, Shannan, who was already 4 months pregnant at the time, returned home from a business trip. Her girlfriend drove her home and saw her go into the house. Shannan should have gone to the doctor the next morning, but she did not show up for the exam and her girlfriend did not even contact her by phone, who began to worry about it. He tried to call the woman’s husband as well, but he didn’t catch up, so he called the police and left a message for the man.

When the man got home, the policeman and his wife’s girlfriend were already there waiting at the house to let them in.

Inside the house, apart from finding Shannan’s phone and wedding ring, no other oddities were noticed. One of his neighbors had a camera facing the street. That’s why they went to see the pictures, which only show what Chris is going to work for in the morning.

After the neighbor showed the pictures, the man left the house and the neighbor told police that he thought Chris was behaving suspiciously. As they watched the video, it moved. He also added that he was not used to packing his car from the garage, and was now turning several times between the garage and the car.

The police began searching for the 3 and 4-year-old girls and the woman. Chris later said that his wife is 4 months pregnant. The man that afternoon In an interview with a television channel, he tearfully asked his family to come home with him if they watched the broadcast. Police did not think the man was innocent for long.

He was also subjected to a polygraph examination, in which he failed, but still proved that he was telling the truth and had nothing to do with the disappearance of his family. Two days later, in one of his interrogations, he finally confessed everything. It also turned out that he had an affair with a woman, Nichol Kessinger.

The latter also reported to the police station to confess his relationship after seeing the missing woman and children on television. They met at work, Kissinger knew Chris had a family, but the man told him they were getting divorced and hid his wife’s pregnancy from his lover.

Chris Watts first told police that his wife had strangled their little girls, which infuriated him so much that he killed the woman in a sudden riot, saying
I didn’t kill my daughters, I’m not a monster

Then later he told the truth: He confessed to his wife that he had an affair with someone and that he wanted a divorce. Then they started arguing, and Shannan told her that she would never see her children again.

The man allegedly strangled his wife. She also said that she did not realize that the children had woken up to the argument and the older girl had gone to her bedroom. He asked his father what had happened to his mother, who was lying in bed face to face, and the man told him that she was ill and that they would take her to the hospital.

Source: Weld County DA

He then put the woman in her car with the children and drove to one of the oil fields where she worked. It was in this place that he excavated his wife, not far from the oil tanks. And he strangled his children and dumped their bodies into a huge oil tank. Youngest girl first. The older one told him for the last time that:

“Oh no!”

Chirs Watts said that he would listen to the last words of his little girl forever. Later, in a letter, the man also admitted that he had planned the murder on August 12 and covered his girls at bedtime with: I said to myself: it was the last time I wrapped them.

The man testified in court on November 6, 2018. He could have received the death penalty, but at the request of his wife’s family, the prosecutor did not request that it be imposed on him. Finally He was sentenced to five times life imprisonment without the possibility of release. In addition, he was sentenced to 84 more years for the death of a fetus and the concealment of corpses.

In February 2019, he gave an interview in prison in which he spoke of becoming a different person on the inside, knowing religion. He also speaks in his letter to his mother that he has changed and that God has forgiven him.

She was also visited in prison by a 65-year-old writer who wrote a book about her. The man allowed the woman to use his correspondence for her book, so she asked in return he writes about his coming to God and the forgiveness he received. In the book, the man talks about the fact that if he had not met his lover, he would not have killed his family.

Despite all its horrors, there are those who became fans of the man after learning about his story. The man is also visited by two women in the Wisconsin prison. One of the women took her face in the report with her, but not her name, she introduced herself as An.

He believes that Christ was possessed by a demon when he killed his wife and girls. He claims that when he talks to the man about his murdered wife, he tells him how much he loved her and what a great man he was.

The other woman who visited the man did not show her face in public. He also visits the man in prison 2-3 times a week.

When viewing television images with Chris Watts, most people think the same: “How can an average father do that?” Perhaps the key to solving the brutal murder lies precisely in redefining this narrative surrounding the murder of Watts … An average father cannot do that – This has already been said by the psychologist we interviewed.

According to Lili Rácmolnár, Chris Watts is a criminal who sees himself as average but has a particularly cruel antisocial personality disorder, or as it is commonly used: a psychopath.

“In which people with antisocial personality disorder are especially good at wearing a mask that the outside world wants to see. And keeping the mask is not difficult for them, since they do not love, they distress and learn from their mistakes. Human emotions do not affect your behavior. He adds.

American psychologists working on the case have repeatedly shown that Watts did not exterminate his family because of a sudden upset, but after long cold-blooded planning.

“The emotions and cold blood that characterize the disease played a role in the police being able to control it and finally make a confession: Watts interviewed local television with a shaking face the day after his family disappeared. Two experts in Police psychologists noticed it here, friends of the family and many civilians watching television. Although a characteristic of Watts’s psychiatric illness was the design, only the emotional factor was not taken into account; what makes us human. It’s not like someone’s family disappears, and without any emotion, pulling the average American out of the neighborhood, you can make a statement. – says Lili Rácmolnár.

He says such a brutal murder can never be understood, but if we start with how Watts was able to give a television interview the day after his family was exterminated, a map of his pathology can also be traced back to how he could have done it all.

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