Index – Tech-Science – János Áder launches a podcast on environmental protection


President János Áder will launch a regular podcast titled Blue Planet, with each episode appearing every two weeks starting Monday.

Speaking at M1, the President of the Republic asks his guests experts about the environment, water and climate. It will also be about how we respond to climate change, creating a circular economy, the water crisis or ensuring a sustainable lifestyle.

In the first broadcast, the topic will be China’s carbon neutrality by 2060 as the world’s largest emitter. Chinese President Xi Jinping announced at the UN Virtual Assembly in late September that its carbon emissions are expected to increase only by 2030 and that by 2060 the country will not emit carbon at all. -dioxide.

The guest of the first show will be the environmental economist Gábor Bartus, who says that Chinese society is there, it does not suffer from a shortage of anything, it produces everything by itself. However, now they begin to realize that the price of this has become that the air of the country has been severely polluted. According to Gábor Bartus, most Chinese cities are extremely uninhabitable and China is already a country where many people die from diseases caused by air pollution.

At the same time, the President of the Republic points out that the Chinese president’s carbon neutrality announcement may not come as a surprise, as the Asian country has been playing its role in the production of sustainable living tools for years.

Already today, China manufactures 70 percent of the world’s solar panels, half of the wind turbines and 77 percent of the lithium-ion batteries necessary to spread electric cars, so a change in technology it has already started before the announcement, warns the president.

János Áder’s first podcast on carbon neutral China will be available online starting at 10 am on Monday.
