You were right to get the government to quickly return to the issue of zero tolerance.


The government was right to react quickly to the easing of zero tolerance, as most people would leave regulation as is, according to a survey by for the Pulse researcher.

At an event in Villány in early October, Agriculture Minister István Nagy mentioned that a dialogue could be started on relaxing zero tolerance for alcohol consumption before driving. Governments often use the tool to launch an idea into the public consciousness and wait for reactions to make a decision based on what people are sympathetic to. Even now, speculation has begun as to whether it will actually be possible to drink a glass or two of beer before driving again.

The Government Information Center responded to the problem again with lightning speed when it told RTL Klub news “Professional organizations recommend this every year, but people do not support relaxation, so the cabinet does not plan to change the regulations.”.

The issue was also raised in the Government Info, asked Gergely Gulyás, head of the Prime Minister’s Office, who confirmed that the issue is not on the agenda, since it is not certain that people can stop before a glass . By the way, Viktor Orbán had already promised winemakers before 2010 to relax.

Since Minister István Nagy also withdrew from the statement after quick government rebuttal, it appears that it was an idea of ​​the Minister of Agriculture himself and not a government plan.

The government thought so

People are not very divided on this issue, most would continue to maintain the current austerity – results from the joint and representative opinion poll of and Pulzus Kutató 58 percent of those surveyed said the current austerity was appropriate, and only 17 percent said a glass of beer or wine would still fit them. A quarter of people chose the option “I do not drink alcohol” as an answer, which can also be interpreted as not making this issue relevant, although it is a fact that driving while intoxicated is far from being just a problem for those who they are behind the wheel.

According to estimates In Europe, about a quarter of road accidents are due to alcohol consumption so there is no zero tolerance in many countries. In Hungary, this rate is slightly lower, even though alcoholism is a common disease.

Last year, a total of 1,394 drunk accidents occurred in Hungary, of which 47 were fatal. By the way, the trend has improved in recent years, with fewer and fewer accidents caused by drunkenness.

Only 9 percent of women surveyed would eliminate zero tolerance, compared to 28 percent of men. By the way, 30 percent of the women said they didn’t drink, compared to 17 percent of the men.

Wisdom comes with age

It is clear from the research that the younger someone is, the more they think they may include some alcohol in their driving. This also includes weakening older people’s reflexes so that drinking can affect their driving skills more strongly.

Twenty-two percent of youth ages 18 to 39, 16 percent of those ages 40 to 59, and 12 percent of those over 60 would ease the current rule. By the way, a third of people admit not to drink after the age of 60.

An interesting picture emerges from the breakdown by education. 74 percent of graduates consider the current system to be good and only 18 percent would alleviate it, while only 8 percent said they are not used to drinking. In contrast, 29 percent of high school graduates and 29 percent of elementary school graduates said they did not drink, he is not as affected by this issue. Thus, supporters of current austerity also have a lower proportion, 54 and 57 percent, of those with secondary and primary education, respectively.

They don’t drink as much in the country as in Budapest

In terms of zero tolerance, there is not much difference between those living in Budapest and those living in villages, but it is an interesting fact that while only 14 percent of those in the capital said they did not drink, it was 25 28 percent among residents of county capitals, cities and towns.

Here’s what you need to know about research.

The Pulse Researcher surveyed 1000 people, the responses represent the opinion of the Hungarian adult population. This means that the data, according to sex, age, education and type of settlement, reflect the opinion of the adult population aged 18 years or over according to the data of the Hungarian population.
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