Coronavirus: the entire population would be tested by Hungarians


Three-quarters of Hungarians also want massive testing like in Slovakia, where samples are taken from the entire population to identify as many infected coronaviruses as possible, according to joint representative research by and Pulzus Kutató.

In Slovakia, the entire population of the country will be tested for coronavirus at the end of October, with a total of around 6,000 test sites established, a number that corresponds essentially to the number of electoral districts. The procedure is similar, with an average of seven people taking samples at each station. The military is also participating in the operation, using a total of 13 million antigen tests. A survey conducted by the AKO survey agency, commissioned by Hospodárske noviny, shows that according to the New Word summary, 72% of respondents are willing to participate in the test (44% said they would definitely be there and 28 % said they would probably leave). ) and only 20 percent reject the negative sample.

Prime Minister Igor Matovic said the measure was considered important to curb the spread of the epidemic (as of Friday a total of 35,330 people had been identified, 26,452 of them were registered as actively infected, so far 115 lives have been claimed by the wave of coronavirus infection). After Wednesday’s government meeting, the prime minister indicated that assessing the country’s population is considered important because “they are either taking action or they need to stop life altogether,” but they want to avoid the latter.

The first phase of the nationwide testing is scheduled for October 30 to November 1, followed by the second phase from November 6 to 8. The test is voluntary, but Prime Minister Igor Matoviè has stated that he will not be quarantined for 10 days.

The move is not entirely unique: China has repeatedly required mandatory testing in large cities of tens of millions to prevent tidal-like closures. The tests do not cure the disease, but the World Health Organization also strongly recommends that as many tests be done as possible. In fact, if asymptomatic but virus-carrying people are excluded from society, their isolation can slow the spread of the disease, prevent vulnerable groups: the elderly, chronic patients with impaired immune systems, etc. – get the disease. The Chinese experience shows that after such a massive study, life can return to normal soon after.

Therefore, during the first wave, it was suggested to operational staff in Hungary that testing the entire Hungarian population could be a solution. In April, Müller Cecília, the national medical director, said it was unnecessary. However, the current situation during the second wave is radically different, so the professional’s attitude may also have changed.

Hungarians would support it too

In Slovakia, with 5.5 million, the course and intensity of the second wave of the epidemic is similar to the situation in Hungary, raising the question of how the Hungarian population would react to massive tests. According to the joint and representative opinion poll by and Pulzus Kutató, the population of Hungary would support a similar measure to the same extent as in Slovakia. 74 percent of all respondents would support such a measure.


There is little difference between the sexes: 77 percent of men and 72 percent of women see this as a justified and necessary measure.


There is a slightly larger difference when looking at support among respondents by age group: the majority of young people (78 percent) would agree with the move, while those over 60 in the least vulnerable group consider it a good solution. For them, 69 percent support it, while 31 percent would reject such a move.

Here’s what you need to know about research.

The Pulse Researcher surveyed 1000 people, the responses represent the opinion of the Hungarian adult population. This means that the data, according to sex, age, education and type of settlement, reflect the opinion of the adult population aged 18 years or over according to the data of the Hungarian population.
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Middle-aged people (40-59 years), on the other hand, contribute practically the average of the whole society: 75 percent for them, 25 percent against the test of the entire population.


If we examine the attitude of the population towards the issue based on education, it seems that those with primary and secondary qualifications would be practically the same (75%) in favor of such a measure. There is no skepticism among those with tertiary education, as 71% of them feel the need to do so.


Rural people are more likely to line up behind such grandiose mass tests – 81 percent of those living in villages see this as a good solution. Residents of rural cities are slightly less enthusiastic about them, with only 73 percent feeling the need for this, while 71 percent of those in Budapest support it.


Those who live in the county seats have the fewest followers, but 69 percent would still favor testing the entire population of the country, which is an overwhelming two-thirds majority.

According to the latest data, the new coronavirus infection (Covid-19) was detected in 2,032 new Hungarian citizens in Hungary, thus increasing the number of infected people identified in Hungary to 52,212. The number of active people infected, at 1,637 compared to Wednesday, increased to 35,653. There are currently 2,132 hospitalized coronavirus patients, 197 of whom are on ventilators. The 46 patients who died from the disease caused by the virus amounted to 1,305. So far, a total of 15,254 have recovered from the disease.

The information shows that the number of new tests also peaked, with more than 16,000 tests performed in one day. But despite the increase in the number of tests, 12.42 percent of lab tests tested positive, a rate just 3 percentage points lower than Tuesday and Wednesday’s record. Due to a data supply error on Tuesday of the week, only 6,332 test results were received, they may have also been included in Thursday’s release.
