Orbán’s main advisor supported the SZFE students


Zsuzsa Hegedüs, Viktor Orban The Chief Adviser to the Prime Minister told the students, through one of the SZFE professors, that he was with the students in the struggle for university autonomy, Hegedüs wrote to the portal, saying that the government and its students.

Like the demand of students and professors of SZFE for all people involved in science, such as the autonomy of academic institutes, it is not simply a matter of life, but the most important condition for a country not to be pushed to the periphery of a global knowledge-based world system. In other words, like all higher education researchers and actors working in this field, autonomy is not only an absolute priority, but also the most fundamental interest of the country.

Hegedüs said.

According to the sociologist, the first step in the solution process is always to provoke dialogue, “whose conditions exemplify the action initiated by the students and professors of the SZFE”. Hegedüs sees that, at this point, the problem stems from the fact that no one on behalf of the government has yet agreed to sit down and negotiate with them.

Zsuzsa Hegedüs told 444 about the SZFE demonstration on October 23, and she sincerely hopes that with this they can get the government to negotiate with them. However, the prime minister’s senior adviser will not attend the rally:

It never occurred to me that even with my presence, I would get a bit of the merits of the action launched by the students and the educational community of SZFE.

When asked if he shared his opinion with Viktor Orbán, Hegedüs replied that:

You have to ask the Prime Minister, but as a result of our active cooperation and friendship since 2004, there are few issues on which the Prime Minister is unaware of my attitude.

featured image: MTI Photo: Péter Komka
