Orbán’s main advisor supported SZFE


The protesting professors and students of the University of Theater and Film Arts (SZFE) received support from an unexpected place: Zsuzsa Hegedüs, the Prime Minister’s senior adviser, announced through one of the professors that she was with them in the fight for the autonomy of the university. And 444 said he said the government should sit down and negotiate with university professors and students to resolve the deadlock.

Zsuzsa Hegedüs sociologist, senior adviser to the prime minister, and Viktor Orbán in 2012Photo: Lajos Soós / MTI / MTVA

So far, there have been no unofficial statements from government circles on the affairs of the university, especially not from those around Viktor Orbán. Zsuzsa Hegedüs is currently listed on the government website as the Plenipotentiary of the Prime Minister, who advises the Prime Minister, among other things, on the management and resolution of social conflicts. When asked about the SZFE situation, he said:

As for all people involved in science, the demands of SZFE students and professors, such as the autonomy of academic institutes, are not simply a matter of life, but the most important condition for a country not to be pushed to the periphery of a global knowledge-based world system.

In other words, like all higher education researchers and actors working in this field, autonomy is not only an absolute priority, but also the most fundamental interest of the country.

As a sociologist, Hegedüs has dealt with social movements and the conflicts they represent since the 1970s. Now, on resolving the stalemate around SZFE, he thinks “The first step in the conflict resolution process, which in many cases lasts for many years, is always the provocation of dialogue, the conditions of which exemplify the action initiated by the students and teachers of the SZFE. The second condition for resolving the conflict is, of course, the willingness of the decision-makers to enter into a dialogue ”.

Consequently, for the moment, the problem lies in the fact that no one on behalf of the government has agreed to sit down and negotiate with them, despite the fact that SZFE students and professors approached the ITM two days ago for this purpose.”.The students, along with several well-known actors, marched before the Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM) on Monday to protest the restoration of SZFE’s autonomy. They protested before the ITM because they thought it was the government that should resolve the stalemate with the new board of directors, since until January 1, 2022, the ministry still has the foundational rights.

The director Gábor Reisz at the SZFE demonstration in front of the ITMPhoto: Zsófi Szász / 444

Gábor Németh, the SZFE instructor, told 444 that they had no negotiations with the board of directors headed by Attila Vidnyánszky, and said they should sit down with the ministry and start over. Among other things, I would like the powers of the university Senate to be restored, for example, to be able to determine the call for candidates before the appointment of the rector, to know the candidatures received and to nominate a candidate. In addition, during the summer, the ITM appointed the members of the university’s board of trustees in such a way that none of the people nominated by SZFE was admitted.

Zsuzsa Hegedüs said about the SZFE rally on October 23, that she sincerely hopes that with this they can get the government to negotiate with them. “As for the specific ways to restore autonomy, it is solely and exclusively that this, I emphasize once again, can beAdded. When asked if he would participate in the demonstration, he replied: “It never occurred to me that even with my presence, I would get a bit of the merits of the action launched by the students and the educational community of SZFE.

We asked him if he had spoken to Viktor Orbán about all this. According to him, on this “a You have to ask the Prime Minister, but as a result of our active cooperation and friendship since 2004, there are few issues on which the Prime Minister does not know my attitude..

