Coronavirus: intensive care units are struggling terribly


In the fall wave, the death rate for coronavirus patients at Petz Aladár County Teaching Hospital in Győr doubled to more than 20 percent. Compared to the spring, patients with more serious infections and can now be removed from the ventilator much less. The intensive care units are struggling terribly, “the hospital’s director general said Thursday in an online conference in the health magazine IME.

The situation is serious, the current capacity of 20 intensive beds had to be expanded by 40 beds a month ago – János Tamás László, general director of the Petz Aladár Hospital in Győr, appointed to provide first-line Covid care to the five counties, began her presentation at the IME health magazine online conference on Thursday. The regional center has intensive care for around 7,600 infected people. Tamás described the isolated operation of the almost complete traditional care system as one of the most difficult challenges, and a completely new epidemiological structure had to be built.

According to the director general, the new epidemic was essentially the construction of a new hospital, for which 296 of the 1,500 existing beds were “reserved”, of which 212 could be equipped for the care of the coronavirus. Departments and departments had to be created, all of which involved a lot of architectural, mechanical development, and equipment procurement in the last 10 months, while having to learn complex care for an entirely new disease.

Equipment never seen anywhere

Today the hospital is stocked with the latest hand sanitizers, tents, lanyards, and checkpoints everywhere. The new epidemic departments once had a completely different function. The huge epidemiological outpatient clinic set up in a completely separate section, for example, where there were 180 patients a day, had previously served dermatological and psychiatric outpatients. We have Covid ultrasounds, Covid disinfectants.

The CEO mentioned the construction of 40 new intensive care units, where intensive beds were obtained from various locations, from burned plastics to trauma, as a human trial task.

One in five staff members were referred for Covid care

At the same time, the reorientation of internal human resources was one of the most difficult tasks, one in every fifth hospital employee, 441 people, was transferred to epidemic care. So far, 45 people, specialists and nurses have come from outside.

To date, 1,250 patients have been cared for in the epidemiology department. Most of the deceased covid treated at Győr hospital were diagnosed with hypertension and cardiovascular disease as comorbidities.

While in the first period, 4 of 44 positive patients died within 6 months, 59 patients of 296 positive patients died between September 1 and October 19, which means that the mortality rate increased from 10 percent to more 20 percent. The age group of a 26-30 bed Covid class reveals that there were also patients in the 20-30, 30-40, 40-50 age groups. 10-12 percent mortality in the same department, in other places. About 8 to 10 percent of the patients in the wards receive intensive treatment.

Mortality got much worse in the intensive care unit

While 23 of 25 patients in the intensive care unit were removed from the ventilator in the first six months of the epidemic, 2 patients were lost, 36 of 65 patients in the 7-week cycle since September, 29 patients died, a significant increase and about 45 -50 percent mortality – said Tamás László János.

The CEO also identified the prevention and treatment of nosocomial infections as one of the most difficult challenges. As he explained, all known methods and tools were used for the solution, as a result of which the microbiology laboratory became almost the most important part of the institution.

Regarding the transmission of the coronavirus infection, he noted that unfortunately not everyone in the hospital fully adheres to the rules. He says they don’t really know what to do with the pathogen in a regional hospital because he is there.

We need to find the source of the infection, that is, those who are not being tested, but we missed that opportunity 3-4 weeks ago when we were in the institution for approx. The proportion of positive results based on PCR tests was 20 percent

– declared Tamás László János.

While the national average rate of positive PCR tests was 12 percent, screenings at Petz Aladár Hospital exceeded 20 percent in September-October, sometimes reaching 30 percent.

The externally introduced coronavirus has already appeared in 4 rooms. He explained in his presentation that the virus can be introduced in the largest number by patients attending elective care, despite the detection of acute patients, but there are also many asymptomatic carriers among health workers working in multiple locations. There are already around hundreds of positive staff in the hospital, but less than 10 percent of acquired infections are related to care.

In response to a question from the Director General, he explained the marked increase in mortality in intensive classes due to the increase in the number of cases.

There have been so many patients across the country that many of us turn to us, in addition to those with severe selective respiratory failure. The truth is that those who put themselves in a serious condition have very little chance of returning

Tamás László János explained.

While in the spring there were more people with moderate than severe illnesses, now there are more seriously ill patients who are hospitalized in worse conditions and in an intensive care unit. The intensive care units are struggling terribly, explained the director. He added that, unlike the spring wave, mortality is now also significant in the pulmonology-infectiousness-covid class.
