Index – National – Cecília Müller: The epidemic seems to be coming to an end


As a man, the country was excited for Cecilia Müller, but it is reassuring news that the medical director was made public again Thursday at a press conference in the operative tribe.

The medical director said the epidemic appears to be coming to an end.

Cecília Müller emphasized that today the new coronavirus infection was detected in 2,032 new Hungarian citizens, thus increasing the number of infected people identified in Hungary to 52,212. Most of the 46 deaths were of the elderly, chronic, the number of deaths increased to 1,305 and 15,254 have already been recovered. The hospital cares for 2,132 coronavirus patients, 197 of whom are on ventilators.

Cecília Müller explained that the age of the deceased patients was between 56 and 97 years old, but the website ​​also registered a 45-year-old man among those who died today.

The numbers that I will present today are certainly increasing. The rising phase has accelerated even more, we live in a period of the second wave, when the number of infected increases significantly, but unfortunately also increases the number of deaths.

– explained the chief physician, who added: the epidemic seems complete, more than 935 thousand tests have been carried out and more than 16 thousand laboratory tests.

We hear a lot of number wars in different media, but I think objectivity is very important if we want to appreciate an epidemic. In Hungary, we are also defending successfully in the second wave. We are also in the middle of the list of EU countries in terms of the number of people infected and the number of people who have died. I would like to restrict certain media outlets.

– Cecília Müller highlighted, citing international statistics and then the latest CSO data. According to the latter, the number of deaths examined up to September this year was lower than last year’s result for the same phase. Cecília Müller emphasized that there is an influenza and a period of upper respiratory illness. He asked as many people as possible to take the opportunity to introduce themselves to their GP for the flu shot.

Each vaccine is safe and effective, the one you choose the vaccine is based on the recommendation and your own decision. Now I ask health care providers to monitor with more discipline, even more closely, if they have enough vaccines. The flu vaccination for children under the age of three will also be delivered next week, and children with chronic illnesses will receive the first injection.

– he detailed, adding that the administration of these vaccines, of course, is not done at the same time, you must register with a pediatrician, make an appointment to avoid contact with sick children, adults. He asked everyone to be patient, disciplined.

When asked by the reporter what is considered a normal intake of vitamin C and D, the medical director said:

Vitamins can be “over-consumed”, they can also be harmful. Hypervitaminosis can occur with vitamins A, D, E, K. In the past, people thought that excessive consumption was excreted in the urine, but it is not.
