Interviews, farewell lunch, long handshake: she did a very dense program before her positive test Judit Varga


Justice Minister Judit Varga announced two days ago, on Tuesday, that she had produced a positive coronavirus test and was showing mild respiratory symptoms of the disease.

The government information center then said that another member of the government was unable to contract the infection because Varga had been present at the government meeting for the past two weeks and had been wearing a mask throughout parliament.

However, as can be seen on the October 19 television broadcast, just before his infection was revealed on Tuesday, Varga took the hand of the new Curia president, András Varga, who had just been sworn in, at the parliament on Monday.

with whom the leader of the Fidesz faction, Máté Kocsis, the leader of the KDNP faction, István Simicskó, and Defense Minister Tibor Benkő, shook hands immediately after the Minister of Justice.

After Minister Varga, Minister Benkő also shakes the hand of President Varga Curia.

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán was the first in the line of congratulations, three times ahead of Varga, so he could not get involved in this round, he was also one of those who congratulated András Varga, who did not take his hand, rather it hit him.

Judit Varga no longer appeared in the Chamber that Monday afternoon and was replaced by Secretary of State Pál Völner to answer questions from parliamentarians so that the test would show that the minister was infected the next day.

In the previous days, when the Minister of Justice had been potentially contagious, the Minister of Justice showed up with several without masks.

On Sunday, he posted a joint photo with Zsolt Bayer, who appeared on the Hírt TV show that day, where they chatted without a mask:

Although the show may have been recorded before, it is also about Hír TV material about Anna Donáth, which was released on the 11th, so the conversation took place after that.

Varga appeared on Pesti TV several times in the days leading up to his positive test. On Sunday morning, for example, he posted about an interview with the deer for New Years Eve, which could have been done a few days earlier, probably on October 16:

On Friday, October 16, at the morning live show, Dániel Ferkó and presenter Tamás Knapik, the musician of the Fiesta band, sat at a small counter:

On the same Friday, he spent time with an endangered man, who knows how much, without a mask: having lunch with outgoing American ambassador David Cornstein at his residence. Corstein left office at 80 and for health reasons. It is not known how careful they were, but they were obviously not wearing a mask while eating, as was the photo taken during the event:

On Tuesday October 13, he spoke in Luxembourg, as evidenced by photos, typically wearing a mask, but sometimes without:


According to Blikk, there is a contact investigation, which can be achieved with a serious investigation in the case of a public figure who complicates so many programs and appears so many times without a mask.

