Coronavirus: Europe desperately battles epidemic, Ukrainians face shortage of doctors


The spread of the coronavirus epidemic in Ukraine continued to accelerate, with more than 7,000 new infections recorded and 6,000 deaths on Thursday, while the health minister warned that soon there will not be enough health workers in the country to care for patients.

According to official data, the number of confirmed infections rose to 322,879 with the highest number of 7053 new cases in the last day, and the number of deaths increased to 6,043 with 116 more deaths. So far, 134,898 people have been cured, but 181,938 patients are already being treated for coronavirus infection in Ukraine. The number of infected identified increased to 32.5 thousand, and the death toll to 642 thousand, with another new record of more than 600 in the most infected area of ​​the country, the capital, Kiev.

In a daily briefing, Health Minister Maxim Stepanov warned that only 52,000 beds can be provided in Ukraine’s health care system for coronavirus infections, 30 percent of all, because other patients must also be cared for. and surgeries must be performed. In his words the doctors are already working tirelessly.

But there is a limit to everything. The number of beds and health personnel is limited. We simply will not have more doctors, nurses and we will not be able to import health workers from another country. There just won’t be enough of them

he said.

The Health Ministry predicts that Ukraine will face a shortage of doctors if the daily number of new patients reaches 12 thousand.

