The recording of the revelation proves: Péter Niedermüller and the leaders of the left must have known about the robbery in Erzsébetváros DK


The local Erzsébetváros government held a board meeting, which took place in a tense atmosphere as expected. The reason for the tension is that the representative of the board in the SE, the president of the District Finance and Development Commission, Tamás Borka-Szász, was forced to resign from all his positions after the theft of a security. Péter Niedermüller, who was attending the meeting, was asked if he had recently visited the office of his recently robbed fellow MP. In case you visited the office used by Borka-Saxony, you should have known about the theft. The mayor was wrapped in silence, fleeing the questions. Unsurprisingly, a recording in our possession shows that a machine used for theft and mining of bitcoins is inconceivable.

After the board meeting on Wednesday, all we wanted to know about Péter Niedermüller was whether he had recently visited Tamás Borka-Szász’s office. Peter Niedermüller, citing the interests of the investigation, declined to respond, which is a smile.

If he had not acted, a negative answer would in no way impede the investigation, but if he did, it would even help with an affirmative answer: it would provide evidence against him. In other words, the mayor’s answer only makes sense if he knew about the Borka-Saxony robbery case.

Of course, even party sympathizers would probably not believe that Niedermüller did not visit the Borka-Saxony office. It seems unrealistic that the district mayor will not enter the office of the chairman of the District Finance and Development Committee for a year, who is not, incidentally, the leader of his party’s party faction, DK.

It is true that members of the political group that runs the district, from the mayor to the deputy of DK, frequently visited the office where the robbery took place.

Péter Niedermüller hastily left the meetingPhoto: Sándor Csudai – Origo

Zsolt Vattamány, the municipal representative of Fidesz in Erzsébetváros, told Origo that at the meeting the mayor was asked a question about the robbery case, but Fiedz’s questions were addressed by Niedermüller and also by the press. Zsolt Vattamány led the downtown district until October last year, so based on his experience, he claims that MPs in direct labor relations, politicized in one party, often consult and hold meetings in each other’s offices. It is absolutely inconceivable that all his colleagues can avoid the position of senior member for months.

The meeting was also attended by members of Fidelitas in Erzsébetváros, who surprised the participants of the board meeting with an awareness-raising action. Electrical extension cords were handed out to district leaders and a piece of music called “bitcoin mix” was also played. Péter Niedermüller, who sometimes leads council meetings in a rather condescending style, felt very embarrassed this time.

And finally, we show the recording that came into our possession. This video shows the machine used by Tamás Borka-Szász for bitcoin mining in his office, for which he stole electricity. Let the readers decide that Péter Niedermüller and Lajos Oláh, as well as the representatives of the parties cooperating with DK, are telling the truth when they state that they were unaware of Borka’s illegal activities. Maybe you didn’t notice a loud roaring machine in the corner pouring out the heat?
