Coronavirus in Hungary: the number of infected is at a new record


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According to information provided by the government portal, the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) was detected in 2,032 new Hungarian citizens, thus increasing the number of infected people in Hungary to 52,212.

The number of cases in 2032 is a new record, with a 7-day moving average approaching 1,500.

Most of the 46 deaths were elderly, chronic patients, bringing the number of deaths to 1,305 and 15,254 have already recovered. The 46 deaths are not a record, as 48 people lost their lives yesterday due to the virus. As a result, the 7-day moving average of deaths continues to rise, with an average of 36 people losing their lives daily due to the virus during the past week.

The number of actively infected people is 35,653. 30% of the actively infected, 38% of the dead and 30% of those recovered are from Budapest. 2,132 coronavirus patients are hospitalized, 197 of whom are on ventilators. Therefore, in one day, the number of people hospitalized increased by 109, while the number of people with a ventilator decreased by 4, presumably many of those who died were connected to a ventilator.

The number of samples is also at a new record, with a total of 16,361 samples taken by authorities in the last 24 hours.

With this sampling record, the positivity rate dropped to 12.4%, but it is still much higher than the WHO-recommended 5% threshold, so that Hungarian medical care continues to detect new cases with little efficiency.

As the map below shows, in the last week most new cases have been registered in the counties of Budapest and Pest, in addition, the number of cases in the northeastern counties as well as in Győr-Moson county stands out. -Sopron.

Cover image: Getty Images
