There are already pedophile charges against Joe Biden’s son, the Democratic presidential candidate may also be guilty


Donald Trump’s attorney, Rudy Giuliani, has already consulted with the Delaware State Police about the scandal of the son of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, as “shocking substances” have been found on Hunter Biden’s laptop. According to Giuliani, this scandal goes beyond foreign influences and possible bribes. The attorney spoke of sexual aberration in connection with the Hunter Biden materials. He turned over his evidence to the police.

Rudy Giuliani referred to a text conversation between Joe Biden and his son. The former mayor of New York says an anonymous 14-year-old girl is also part of the conversation and the photos found on Hunter Biden’s plane. Giuliani presented Newsmax TV with an excerpt from the conversation that Hunter Biden had misbehaved with the young woman, but also claimed to have found several photos of underage girls on the hard drive, read

Giuliani turned over his evidence to the Delaware State Police on Monday. However, she said they feel very uncomfortable because these underage girls were not protected. Added that If you look at these photos on your hard drive and don’t report them to the police, if you are a member of a law enforcement agency, you would commit a crime.adding that if i were a mere citizen i would be a terrible man Newsmax quotes the attorney.

Giuliani said that these photos should not have been there and that it would be tragic if the police did not do anything about them. Regarding the materials discovered on Hunter Biden’s laptop, he said that It is probably the most serious scandal I have ever seen.

He also said that the left-wing media is avoiding the issue because it is a fatal and fatal blow to the candidacy of Biden, who should be brought to justice for this story.

As Origo previously reported, Hunter Biden also left his three machines at a laptop service called The Mac Shop in Wilmington, Delaware. However, the owner of the site copied one of his hard drives and turned it over to the FBI. The leaked information could prove the Biden family’s suspicious corruption deals in Ukraine, Russia and China.

The video launched a series on the US presidential election of Balázs Mártonffy, an assistant professor at the National Civil Service University, who won the John McCain award at the Munich Security Policy Conference. The researcher obtained a doctorate in 2019 from the International University of Washington, DC, a prestigious university in the United States capital. Here is the fourth video:
