Index – Foreigner – The Hungarian Deputy Mayor of Cluj-Napoca will once again be


Mayor Emil Boc proposed the re-election of the current deputy mayor at the first council meeting after the inauguration of the municipal council members, writes the Hungarian word in Romania. Twenty of the 25 councilors present voted for Emese Oláh.

Botoma Csoma, president of DAHR in Cluj county, told the newspaper that he had spoken with politician Emil Boc last week, who had not forgotten that eight years ago, with the help of the Hungarian Association of Romania, the then Party Liberal Democrático managed to form a fragile majority in the local. on the Council.

In her profile on politics, Emese Oláh wrote, among other things:

We, the members of the DAHR faction, are ready to represent the interests of Cluj-Napoca and the Hungarians of Cluj-Napoca for another term!

Oláh Emese attorney. The head of local government will serve as local councilor from 2012, and from 2018 he will be the chairman of the DAHR branch in Cluj-Napoca. He has been a member of the Association since 2006.
