Approximately a third of coronavirus tests have been performed as the lower limit of the sufficient level according to epidemiological regulations, so the number of active cases has increased by more than a thousand. 48 people died in one day and the number of people treated at the hospital is also growing steadily.

Coronavirus: the second wave

Half a year after the spring outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, despite the fact that the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the signs, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

There have never been so many victims of the coronavirus epidemic in Hungary in one day as now, 48 people died in one day, figures uploaded to the epidemiological information website revealed. Along with them, there are already a total of 1,259 victims.

After Cecília Müller announced yesterday that due to a computer error, the data was not complete that day and the missing data comes along with the numbers published this morning, we could believe that the number of infected people would suddenly increase much better than before. This was not the case: 1,423 new infections were diagnosed in one day.

It is true that the number of diagnosed infections is becoming less severe: according to the World Health Organization, tests in one country are sufficient if the proportion of positive tests is less than 5 percent. For us, this rate has long been above 10 percent, and in the previous day, 8,443 tests became 1,423 positive, which is 16 percent.

that is, they test about a third of what would be the minimum acceptable.

In one day, 268 people were classified as cured, so

the number of active cases increased from 1,107 to 34,016.

The hospital treats 2,023 patients, 63 more than a day before. 201 of them are connected to fans, four more than a day ago.

There are 25,203 people in official home quarantine, 423 more than the day before.

This also means that the total number of people in home quarantine and hospitalization is more than ten thousand less than the number of active cases.

We have been asking operations staff for a week why this is, but they have not responded yet.

The number of infections in which counties have been found since the outbreak is losing more and more meaning; no matter how much is published on the epidemiological information website day by day, it does not add where many have been recovered, the number of active cases or what it means in terms of population and of course the fact that little is evaluated, it also determines county data. Figures broken down by county show that the proportion of positive tests has increased in the last day:

Over 100: Budapest (284), Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén (214), Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg (172), Pest (143), Győr-Moson-Sopron (133)
50-100: Hajdú-Bihar (99)
Between 10 and 50: Vas (48) Komárom-Esztergom (42), Heves (39), Veszprém (33), Fejér (31), Nógrád (31), Zala (28), Baranya (23), Békés (22) , Bács-Kiskun (20), Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok (17), Csongrád-Csanád (14), Tolna (12)
Under 10 years: Somogy (8)

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Judit Varga also contracted the coronavirus
At home

The Hungarian Minister of Justice is experiencing mild symptoms and is in quarantine with his family.

The coronavirus infection was contracted by the CEO of St. John's Hospital
At home

Péter Takács is asymptomatic and works from home.