Quite unfriendly in the morning, but it’s
– Viktor Orbán said in his morning video when he received the flu vaccine. At the time, he had no idea that he could be in an even more hostile situation at the end of the day, as pediatrician Novor Hunor said the prime minister had been poorly vaccinated and had discovered at least several flaws in the recording.
Hunor Novák writes in a Facebook post that Viktor Orbán received the vaccine to be administered in the deltoid muscle, because the injection should only be administered in a muscle in the part shown in the pictures. According to him, it is a type defect that in this case the skin is pinched as seen in the video, because it has to be done when it is inoculated into adipose tissue.
If the skin fold is pinched, the tip of the needle, and thus the vaccine, can easily penetrate the adipose tissue, which may even be ineffective or cause more serious local side effects (itchy lumps, inflammation , possibly death of adipose tissue).
The pediatrician explained, adding that he did not want to criticize the doctor who was giving the vaccine, but saw that it had more to do with the educational system, because even today young doctors are wrongly taught in many places how to administer certain vaccines correctly.
Like another mistake, blame it on that
the syringe was removed after the puncture, which is an incorrect procedure for shoulder vaccinations,
and it only increases the pain, and said it was also completely unnecessary for the doctor to slap the prime minister on the arm. Not because it was inappropriate to slap the prime minister on the arm, but because it was simply unnecessary.