Index – National – According to a Gyöngyös doctor, many people receive late care due to coronavirus


As of October 6, the management of the Gyöngyös hospital fired Alfréd Pócs, a renowned specialist who had worked at the health institution for 25 years. The chairman of the Heves County Medical Chamber, from whom the Hungarian Medical Chamber had previously distanced itself in a statement, in part due to his views on wearing masks, told Index that he was humiliated at having to leave. But he still defended his claims about the coronavirus. formulated.

He was called by management that morning. It was clear what was going to happen, I was immediately told in my eyes that I was a coronavirus denier. It was the only thing they faced, they couldn’t bring anything else against me. I hardly even wanted to object, I just signed my resignation, which was already prepared. I have been doing my job ever since and will remain so until the end of my notice period.

Alfred Pócs told Index. The doctor works in several hospitals, including Salgótarján and Ózd, but nowhere else has he been involved in his views on the coronavirus, although he has been the subject of numerous attacks. The doctor said that his concerns about the epidemic were not unfounded, he told the Index:

The coronavirus epidemic is practically affected by those who would need immediate attention due to another illness. Many workers, nurses and doctors were removed from some departments where critically ill patients were treated. There is clearly no time for them. GPs are also forced to diagnose, so to speak, over the phone, which is complete nonsense. Studies abroad have already shown that they receive late medical help due to the coronavirus, and this delay ultimately leads to their death.

He was fired by a virus-skeptical doctor at Gyöngyös Hospital

Previously, the Hungarian Medical Chamber also distanced itself from the orthopedic specialist Alfréd Pócs.
