Coronavirus Vaccine: A Major Announcement Has Been Made About Mass Vaccination


Mass vaccination against Covid-19 could begin in Russia in late November, Vasily Ignatiev, CEO of R-Pharm, the first Russian vaccine maker called Sputnik V, announced at an innovation forum in Moscow on Tuesday.

Mass production of the Sputnik vaccine will take place at five sites, generally considered to be in significant quantities, and mass vaccination may begin in late November – early December, Ignatyev said, according to the MTI.

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin wrote on his website on Monday that a mass vaccination of the population is expected in December-January.

The “post-registration” test of the human adenovirus-based vector vaccine Sputnik V, developed on August 11, developed by the Gamaleja Institute, is currently underway on 40,000 volunteers in Moscow. In parallel, vulnerable groups are being vaccinated, including health workers and educators.

The peptide vaccine EpiVacCorona, developed by the Novosibirsk Vector Research Center, was registered on October 14, and 40,000 people also took part in the trial in various regions of Russia, including 150 volunteers over the age of 65.

Clinical trials of the whole cell vaccine developed by the Chumakov Institute began on Monday with 300 volunteers in Kirov county. Its registration is expected to take place later this year.
