This is to be expected, according to a British fortune teller who supposedly foresaw the coronavirus epidemic.


A British astrologer claims that she had already warned in March 2019 of a pandemic that would break out a year later, just that no one believed her. Now he said many important things about what he thinks we should expect.

Jessica AdamsA 53-year-old British astrologer, medium and fortune teller, laid down his life in February this year. He canceled all his planned programs and then moved from London to the other end of the world, Tasmania. He says this because he knew the world would soon get over his head from a coronavirus epidemic. The British tabloid Daily Mail asked the fortune teller what the near future holds for the world.

Adams wrote at the end of a bolgo post on March 28, 2019, that based on the position of the stars, something very strange, memorable will happen on January 10, 2020. The fortune teller now says that her prediction has come true since the first victim of the coronavirus epidemic died that day in Wuhan, China. Then, in January of this year, he also predicted that something surprising would happen in early October in connection with the US presidential election, which would begin the decline of Donald Trump. Now, he says, he was right about that too, as it turned out that on October 1 Trump was infected with a coronavirus.

But what does the world hold for us in the near future? Adams says it’s good and bad. For example, you are sure that Princes Harry and William will not reconcile for the moment, but Christmas will be happier than usual for most people, the negative effects of the epidemic will not be felt and

three days before Christmas Eve great changes begin.

Rowing into more serious waters: Adams says Britain will disintegrate next year because of Brexit, and the island nation will be as divided as it was before the ancient Roman conquest. And next year, Italy is likely to leave the European Union as well.

The astrologer says that Donald Trump will no longer be president of the United States next year and that the president will not even be a Republican. It will all be about community, equality, feminism, and black rights.

Adams says the next president of the United States will be like Robin Hood.

The fortune teller does not have good news about the coronavirus, he says, he will never be properly vaccinated, he will stay with us forever, we will learn to live with him, as has happened with AIDS. However, climate change will be resolved in 2026. He says that time is cyclical, and now we are at the end of a cycle like the one that ended with World War II. The current cycle ends in 2026, when we leave our most serious problems to the past and new ones will appear in their place.

(Featured photo: YouTube / Jessica Adams Astrology)
