In the second half of the week the summer of the old women arrives: then there will be a fast

Monday, October 19, 2020, 5:00 pm

The summer of the elderly women makes the heat exceed twenty degrees, but the country can pay the price with severe storms on the weekends: a typical summer weather situation has developed in Hungary.

Since Sunday, an anticyclone has been shaping the weather in Hungary and much of the continent, but the change has already begun: A swirling cyclone in the British Isles will divert masses of warm air from Algeria and Morocco over the country. This cyclone “pushes” the anticyclone to the east, and its common flow system of African origin, in the second half of October, carries an unusual heat over the central landscapes of Europe, while behind the cyclone, cold air from the north it “tears” the western lands of the continent. .

This is a school example of a north-south meridional flow, which often causes extreme weather conditions and extreme temperatures in the positive and negative ranges. The phenomenon has a strong correlation with climate change. A cold front will slide over the African heat over the weekend, temporarily again creating a summer situation. László Molnár, a meteorologist at Kiderü, asked how people can expect this in the next 1-2 weeks.

Warming is accelerating, with highs hovering around 20 degrees Celsius across the country as of Wednesday, but significant regional differences are expected. There will be more heat in Western Transdanubia, 23-24 degrees Celsius may occur in the second half of the week, and even new warm records are included in the Sopron and Győr area.

– says László Molnár.

The meteorologist said it would be colder in the east, especially in the North Central Mountains, but in the warmer hours, thermometers would also show a value close to 20 degrees Celsius here. Night-time frosts will disappear (in the west, sunrise lows can reach 10 degrees Celsius in some places), there will be little rain, but long-lasting fog spots can form in the eastern part of the country.

Basically, people can look forward to a summer of warmer and gorgeous older women than average, but that’s exactly why it can end hard. Due to the unusual heat, a cold front from the northwest is expected to arrive on Saturday, which could gain tremendous energy due to the large temperature difference.

Late old lady summer can end with severe storms, super cells, and hail

László Molnár said.

The meteorologist added that, in general, a typical summer weather situation will develop. But this season usually has less energy for those cold robberies, but now the airwaves of African origin are helping to solve this problem. So also towards the end of October.

The weather shows once again that the calendar can be pushed aside more and more, the old “rules” are now in effect from roughly early June to mid-August. This is because during the year, these 2.5 months is when the increasingly frequent meridional flow is unable to produce significant extremes.

As for the sequel, it’s the weekend, but Sunday is definitely rainy, windy, and refreshing. According to forecasts, the front will pass quickly over Hungary, and it will be possible to expect completely average weather at the end of October, that is, partly cloudy skies, with some precipitation in some places, 4-6 in the morning and 15-17 degrees in the warmest afternoons.

Then at the end of the month, we have to prepare for the arrival of a stronger cold front, the day of the dead and on Halloween our weather turns to winter, and as they say, there is a good chance that the flowers will freeze in the vases from the cemetery.

Cover image: Getty Images
