John Slavik was asked about the peak of the second wave, he replied
The second wave of the coronavirus epidemic could peak in November-December, or even next year. János Szlávik, the chief infectologist at South Pest Central Hospital, spoke about this on his ATV Start program, emphasizing that no one can know for sure when the spike will end.
The expert assured in the conversation that we are not doing very well with the pharmacological treatment of coronavirus infection, but next month there will be three vaccines on the market worldwide with a temporary license.
Regarding the WHO saying that remdesivir is not effective in alleviating coronavirus symptoms, John Slavik said the WHO appears to have been a bit rushed on this.
Based on experience to date, it sees a place in treating coronavirus symptoms. But if the international scientific community finds that this is not the case, they will be eliminated. Remdesivir is not a panacea, so no one expects its use alone to prevent more serious symptoms of coronavirus infection, the specialist added.
Regarding the interaction between the influenza pandemic and the coronavirus epidemic, János Slavik said: it is not frequent, but in one patient both viruses caused the disease, which resulted in a much more serious illness than that caused by the two viruses separately, thus doubling the number of patients. the mortality rate.
During the conversation, János Slavik also stated: Hungary will not be in a situation where medical care cannot cope with the coronavirus epidemic.
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