Coronavirus: one in five virus tests in Slovenia is positive


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Jelko Kacin is a government spokesperson He wrote on his Twitter page that just because fewer tests were done on Saturday does not mean that the virus is spreading less. The proportion of positive results on Saturday was 19.20 percent compared to 16 percent on Friday, he added.

According to data released by the government on Sunday, the number of infected people rose by 726 to 15,142 on Saturday. A record 898 cases were reported on Friday. Four patients died, bringing the death toll to 191. Of the diagnosed patients, 265 are hospitalized, 49 of whom are treated in the intensive care unit.

In neighboring Croatia, the number of infected people rose by 819 in one day to 25,580 on Sunday. Eight people died, bringing the death toll to 363. The hospital cares for 548 patients, 32 of whom are on ventilators.

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