Index – National – Today’s Election Results Approaching


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In Megyeren It was not a surprise, as the only candidate for the position, independent commander Irene, was elected mayor, according to the local electoral office, according to the MTI. The head of the Hvi, Gyöngyi Bencze, said that 14 of the 29 voters on the list went to the polls, one vote was invalidated, so Irén Komendánt was elected mayor with 13 votes.

Voters also settled on the members of the village council, with two running for the two seats. In the Veszprém county settlement, a provisional municipal election was held because the representative body declared its dissolution in July.

György Regős, who was running as an independent, was elected mayor in the provisional municipal elections held on Sunday in Baranya county. Merenyén Gábor Fitos Harri, secretary of the settlement belonging to the joint office in Nagydobsza, told the MTI. In the only constituency of the settlement near Szigetvár, 158 of the 231 voters on the register voted, one voter voted invalid.

Of the two independent mayoral candidates, György Regős received 119 votes and Ferenc Krapecz 38 votes.

Voters also settled on members of the village council, with ten independent candidates running for all four seats. It was necessary to hold the partial elections because, at the proposal of the independent mayor István Verkman, who has managed the settlement since 2010, the representative body was dissolved in the summer.

After the vote, which ends at seven in the afternoon, the scrutiny continues In BalatonfűzfőWhere three independent candidates want to win the mayor’s office, 16 will run for the six seats, with 3,789 on the electoral roll.

In Szigliget Nine independent candidates are running for mayor, 23 candidates are running for all four seats and 832 are on the electoral roll. Here, in the summer, after the unexpected resignation of Balázs Balassa, who had run the settlement for 18 years, a new election had to be called.

In Balatonszepezden four independent candidates are running for mayor, 13 are running for the four seats and 400 are on the electoral roll.

The village of Balaton, where the shredder worked modestly, choose

In Balatonszepezd last October, nobody, but in December, 14 candidates ran for the title of mayor. Locals can vote again today.

In Megyeren One independent candidate is running for the town mayor, two independent candidates are running for the two seats, 29 are on the electoral roll.

Hajdú-Bihar County Tiszacsegene five independent candidates are running for mayor. 36 candidates stand for election for the individual list, six of whom can be chosen by 3775 eligible voters.

Bács-Kiskun County In Bácsszentgyörgy two independent candidates are running for mayor. Nine candidates run in individual slate elections, four of whom can win one seat out of 135 eligible voters.
