Index – Culture – The most famous Belgian is spreading to the age of sixty


Not everyone can handle the passage of time easily, it can be especially difficult for an action star, so it is not certain that Jean-Claude Van Damme is having a big party today to the delight of only sixty years since was born. This included five marriages, a series of world hits, a low-key genre action movie, a decade of cocaine addiction, and a Volvo asparagus meme at the age of fifty-three.

In Kickboxer, he takes revenge on his brother in a secret and bloody race, while also dancing a bit. He doubles himself in Double Dynamite, already sniffing out science fiction in The Perfect Soldier, and in his role as a genetically modified warrior in Time Jar, he cuts time travel too: Jean-Claude van Damme, “Muscles of Brussels” , he shouted for the first time on October 18, 1960. in the Belgian capital. Later he also did this on the movie screen several times.

Little Jean-Claude Van Varenberg spent much of his childhood and adolescence in ballet classes. At the age of ten, his father enrolled him in a karate course because he saw his son too thin.


began training, and also practiced shotokan karate and later kickboxing techniques. He trained every day, winning championships in a row over time. Later, some of his Hollywood rivals questioned his results, complaining that nowhere did racing records prove Van Damme’s victories.


In the handsome, kneaded, loose, but above all winner Belgian, she tried her modeling career in Hong Kong. He didn’t fit in, they found him too muscular and short, but he got to know the city. In the 1990s, then, there were no stars smaller than Arnold Schwarzenegger or Sylvester Stallone in the eyes of action-movie lovers, and he had made more exciting movies than Chuck Norris. He won the jackpot and his opponents every year at Hollywood box office stakes.

The main evil of Bloody Game’s fatal fights was played by Bolo Yeung, a martial artist unmatched in both muscle contractions and cruel observation, whom Bruce Lee elevated to an icon of movie history after being beaten to death by a dragon in the middle. But the Chinese martial artist also played a major role in Van Damme’s success as Double Dynamite as an iconic ultimate opponent.

A series of mistakes

  • With him the Predator would have been filmed, he would have massacred Schwarzenegger’s team as an alien, but he was quickly out of a job when he realized that the spinning kicks in that disguise would work.
  • After the success of Time Cop, he would have been booked for three more sequels for $ 12 million per movie. Our hero said he knew Jim Carrey was working for twenty million. With a loose kick, he sent thirty-six million dollars to nothing and locked himself for years in the inner rooms of Hollywood producers when they hung up the phone for the amount he mentioned.
  • He also nearly failed the panopticon of Stallone’s action star in the Sacrifice Franchise because he was not invited to the winning team. The first part, shot without him, had to make him realize that at his age he already had the money to let himself be defeated on screen.

Race drowned out by drugs

  • In the boisterous 1990s, he also hit his nose on many things, in his “heyday,” for example, up to ten grams of cocaine a day. It costs about ten thousand dollars a week. He made fourteen films, which were shot continuously between 1999 and 2008, most of which were not shown in theaters, and were already made for release on DVD. With this, you’ve searched for a lot of dust, but only the most blind of fans, or those who get along with basic TV subscription packages, can remember a movie or two titles from this era.
  • It was later revealed that one of the triggers for cocaine intoxication may have been a belatedly recognized psychological problem. He was able to address the suicidal tendencies that threatened his life and career from the moment he was diagnosed with severe bipolar disorder.

Today I know that drugs were not the problem, it was me. I had to be cured

He honestly confessed about his deep flight in an interview.

Family matters, blind clues

  • Five married couples, four wives since Gladys Portuguest, who divorced her in 1992, remarried seven years later, they have been together ever since. They had two children: Kristopher in 1987 and Bianca in 1990. Their second son, Nicholas, born in 1995, is the mother of American actress and model Darcy LaPier. This marriage lasted only three years.
  • Nicholas also appeared on screen, playing with his father in the seventh installment of the Kickboxer series in 2018. He had been in the news before, having been arrested for three years and sentenced to a year and a half of probation when he threatened to his roommate with a knife and the police found a pile of marijuana in the apartment.
  • The film careers of Varenberg’s other two sons can also be linked to that of their father. Kristopher played his father’s youth copy in 1992 in Perfect Soldier and 1996’s The Adventurer, and played his son in the 2002 action film Blind Track. Bianca herself is an excellent martial artist and successful bodybuilder who has also been assigned a role alongside her father. He starred in The Law of the Law (2008), The Killer Games (2011), The Price of Six Ammunition (2012) and Full Love (2016).

A return to the Belgian style

  • In 2010, Van Damme appeared alongside Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin in the auditorium of a bare-handed martial arts competition, showing that the leaders of the first league of statesmen who emphasize power politics are still happy to take a joint photo with him.
  • In 2013 we were successful again XX. to achieve a stormy success reminiscent of the 20th century through an advertisement. The stud kickboxer among Volvo trucks has been seen by millions. In a matter of moments, the excellent marketing idea became a meme.
  • The television series aired between 2016 and 2017, in which Van Damme stars as a frazzled action star living off his previous hits, looked promising. Through the protagonist of the action comedy series Jan-Claude Van Johnson, we learned a lot about the real Van Damme, except that the character was once a secret agent, but unfortunately after six parts, the production was complete.
  • His hard fists and sad image were most recently admired in the 2019 film The Price of Survival, where he shared the truth as a bitter-faced, bitter-faced Afghan veteran. Next time, in 2021, he will appear on the cast list for a new movie in the funny animated movie Minyons: Gru Get on Stage. He lent his voice to the character of Jean Clawed by swinging a crab instead of one of his hands.
  • The sixty-year-old action star still trains every day. He says he loves martial arts because they changed his life. If you were born in a dojo, you will also die there, he said in an interview. We can be sure that it won’t disappear from the screen anytime soon.
