The Performing Arts Directorate issued a statement.

There is growing resistance from students and teachers to the reduction of the autonomy of the University of Theater and Film Arts (SZFE) due to the government’s decision to continue the university as a foundation under Attila Vidnyánszky. More and more world-famous artists are joining the solidarity movement around SZFE, but the Vidnyánszky family is not expanding. You can follow the latest developments in the SZFE scandal in our article series. reported on the announcement issued by the management of SZFE this Sunday, in which it is stated that the norms previously issued for vice-chancellors and rectors of the University of Theater and Cinematographic Arts are still in force, so the fall break has officially started in college.

Based on this, the first business day after the break will be October 27. “Anyone who stays at the SZFE facilities during the fall holidays without special permission from the chancellor does so at their own risk, assuming all consequences,” the statement said.

However, he does not know what he will do if it is violated.

Last night, the SZFE students sent a video to Chancellor Gábor Szarka, in which they take responsibility one by one for not leaving the university buildings.

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SZFE students once again sent a message to Gábor Szarka

“If they were looking for a scapegoat, they found it,” acting students told the new chancellor.

Gábor Szarka: Everyone must leave the SZFE buildings before Friday night.

Fall break is early, students have to go.