The government has announced support for home renovations; fall tax package completed; The euro exchange rate also stood at 365 HUF; the Nobel Prize in Economics was awarded. This is’s weekly economic summary.

Slowly, the summary of each week can begin by diagnosing as many people infected with coronavirus and as many victims of the epidemic as ever. Last Saturday was the only day since August 5 that the number of active cases fell, but the number of around 30,000 is roughly three times higher than the previous month, all with little testing by WHO standards. . The number of deaths and hospital admissions is also steadily increasing.

The government has announced new measures that are expected to save the economy. Half of the home renovation costs of families raising their children are borne by the state, up to a maximum of HUF 3 million. Details are yet to be expected, but all we know is that the family must first pay the workers and then submit the invoice to claim half the money back. It can also mean that someone who has enough equity capital is doing well, and also that you have to hurry so you don’t have to wait months for professionals or raw materials. Well, you can also forget about “smart” renewals, since the condition of support is billing.

The government wants its own epic token to be family-friendly, but that’s more accurate with one little addition: a friend from well-to-do families. We have analyzed the subsidies introduced since 2010; most of them are cheap measures to help higher income families. In addition, from the final accounts for 2019 presented recently, it can be read that since 2008, the amount of family benefits has increased in real terms due to a single concept, the tax credit.

The Ministry of Finance has prepared the autumn tax package. One of the most important changes will be that the tax base for small businesses will be HUF 3 billion instead of one, and the taxpayer will cease when the tax base reaches HUF 6 billion. Most of them are affected by the fact that next year the draft VAT declaration will be prepared by NAV.

Once the EU has allowed brandy to be exempt from excise duties for up to 86 liters in private breweries, this will soon be passed into law. However, excise duties on tobacco products are increasing again.

The forint crossed another psychological limit: 365 guilders had to be given for one euro. The deterioration of the epidemic situation and pessimistic international sentiment are weakening almost all currencies in our region, but within a week the forint became the worst performing currency in the world, weakening by 2 percent against the euro. Now the markets are on the lookout for the Monetary Council’s interest rate decision next week.

The IMF has released its economic forecast, according to which the Hungarian economy could fall 6.1 percent this year, almost double what was expected so far, and even by the end of 2021, GDP will be 2.4 percent. lower than at the end of 2019. Globally, they see the situation as better: thanks to rapid and effective crisis management, for the moment, the world seems to be able to escape a financial catastrophe like the one in 2008.

Image of the week: After a year and a half of works, the stops of the southern section of the M3 metro have been completed and will be delivered next week.

Everyone agrees on the goal, only there is a debate on ways to implement it: Frans Timmermans, vice president of the European Commission responsible for the green transition, told about the EU climate strategy. According to him, the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030, not 50%, “will not be easy but it will be feasible”, although several Member States still do not see clearly what it would mean for them.

The climate deal was also a topic at the EU summit, but they didn’t go too far, they will come back on the topic in December and try to set new targets for 2030. Now their energies were more focused on Brexit, but they didn’t get much of that either. ; true, now it seems more of a British problem. In a short time, the EU’s position has turned: the results of the negotiations so far are not enough for an agreement, preparations are underway for the parties to separate on January 1 without an agreement.

The Nobel Prize in Economics was awarded. The two winners, Paul Milgrom and Robert Wilson, have sought since the 1970s how to organize the auction in the best way for the seller. It may be in everyone’s interest to research this when the seller is the state itself; This is the reasoning that has begun to convince several leading politicians around the world, many of whom have listened to them. Since the 1990s, auctions have been organized in more and more places according to their principles, especially when assigning mobile frequencies, mining permits, or even airport take-off permits, that is, goods that are difficult to sell in a way. traditional.


When the winners were announced, they were in California in the middle of the night, Wilson was congratulated and Milgrom silenced his phone for the night. It’s also nice that the two of them live on the same street, and it’s even more fortunate that they also posted an intercom video recording on Stanford’s Twitter when Wilson knocked on his colleague’s door saying they had just become Nobel laureates together.

By now, the capital has been completed with a luxury property tax proposal, Mayor Gergely Karácsony said in an interview on the occasion of the first anniversary of the municipal elections. Free 15 minute parking may be introduced next summer, there will definitely be no parking of HUF 7-800 per hour, promised.

Balázs Fürjes, Budapest Secretary of State for Development, announced that the government will pay for Biodóm’s costs and that many investments in the capital will be in the hands of the government. The mayor evaluated this as a rejection of almost all the initiatives of the capital, instead of trying to put Budapest under tutelage.

Balázs Fürjes


“Budapest airport is not aware that the owners of the group of companies have received a takeover bid, nor that they intend to sell the group of companies that operate the airport to the owners.” This was answered by the airport operator after Bloomberg wrote about the sales plans. However, Daniel told Jellinek, who announced the purchase, that the owners’ intention to sell is serious.

Gábor Bukta, a stock market analyst at Concorde, calculated that if there were a sale, the base price could be close to HUF 150 billion. But you also have to keep in mind that there are still reservations in the region’s aviation capacity, and before the epidemic, Hungary was an increasingly popular tourist destination.

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