Index – National – Train traffic between Soroksár and Dunaharaszti stopped due to steam from the hydrochloric acid tank


The train service on the section of the Kunszentmiklós line between Soroksár and Dunaharaszti was stopped overnight from Saturday to Sunday due to leaking dangerous substances at the Soroksár container terminal, MTI informed MÁVINFORM. As disaster management is already in place, the capital’s professional firefighters, the mobile disaster management laboratory and the disaster management operations service were also alerted to the XXIII. district – and is trying to solve the problem, so for safety reasons, the train traffic stopped on the nearby track.

As it turned out, a container of hydrochloric acid was smoking on site. Train traffic stops until the material is transferred to another tank. MÁV’s chemical response unit is also involved in eliminating the emergency situation.

According to MÁVINFORM, passengers will have to transfer to replacement buses between Soroksár and Dunaharaszti from the first morning. According to preliminary information, this traffic schedule will remain in effect throughout Sunday. On the Kunszentmiklós line, a longer arrival time is expected due to transfers.

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