Index – National – András Veres: Do not force medical students to participate in abortion


The bishop’s faculty does not plan to suspend public liturgy in the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic, but draws attention to individual responsibility, András Veres, Győr county bishop and re-elected president of the Hungarian Catholic Episcopal Conference, told Magyar Hírlap (MKPK).

Under no circumstances do we want to close the churches, neither did we in spring

– writes MTI with reference to the interview published in the newspaper. András Veres does not want to dissuade anyone from going to church or community liturgies.

The liturgy broadcast in the media is only an appearance, it can evoke emotions, but it cannot be compared with when we can contribute to the sacraments, and it would be good to avoid this placebo effect.

The county bishop commented. András Veres emphasized that they strive to awaken a sense of responsibility in everyone. If one notices symptoms in oneself, do not enter communion, but we do not want to distance communion from the liturgy and especially not from the Eucharist.

Our churches are big enough, there is plenty of room for social distancing, and if someone feels safe, wear a mask. Every church has a disinfectant, we can take care of each other. We don’t have to stay away from God, but from each other.

Recalling the last five years, the president of the MKPK said that this was the period of the episcopal synod that dealt with young people and then with the family, and in those years the persecution of Christians gradually became violent, organizing collections to help them, visiting to Pope Francis and issuing two circulars. Renewal in love and protection of the life conceived.

It was the year of Saint Martin, then Saint Ladislaus, this period includes the extraordinary sacred year of mercy, and then, in preparation for the 52nd International Eucharistic Congress, the missionary crossing of the Mission Cross and the consecration of Martyr John Brenner. He stressed that the circular Renewal in love highlighted four themes – population, education, poverty and migration – which were considered important so that as many people as possible knew the Christian response to them. Speaking of the tasks of the next five years, András Veres said:

On the one hand, we are in the second wave of the epidemic, which presents us with extreme challenges, and on the other hand, secularization has accelerated. That is why I urge evangelization also in our diocese, to seek the possibility that we can address people with the message of the Gospel.

– He declared in the interview, then highlighted the issue of the protection of life. As you said, there is a very wide area on this topic: everything from climate change to the conception of human life to the end of it. He expressed his conviction that much more attention should also be paid to the laws.

issues of conscience related to the protection of life, such as not requiring medical students to undergo an abortion if they do not want to because of their Christian faith.

The county bishop continued:

You could also say that much more attention should be paid to lives conceived outside of marriage, whose birth is unwanted. Today, large numbers of children are born outside the family and abortion should not be a realistic alternative because these mothers do not receive the help they need. Also, many childless couples would love to adopt these children. It would also be nice to make this easier to practice.
