Doctors rebel, many may refuse to sign an employment contract


You cannot imagine that there would be no solution to neutralize the hidden mines in the services law, says Rita Lénárd, vice president of the Hungarian Medical Chamber (MOK) of Népszava.

The newspaper asked the expert how he foresees negotiations with the government and sees the possibility that controversial points such as the ban on a second job or the forced change of route will be removed from the law that caused the great debates.

  • The MOK provided Interior Minister Sándor Pintér with a list of the points of the law that are unacceptable. The list is headed by secondment, immediately followed by a ban on second places.
  • Rita Lénárd is optimistic about the amendment, but the members are not, they are rebelling.
  • The prime minister brought only three things to the discussion two weeks ago: the first was to accept the chamber’s pay scale without any change, the second was to accept the withdrawal of gratitude money, and it would be enshrined in law, and the third was work together. There was nothing else.
  • It is not possible to disable second positions from one moment to the next, because now the system continues to work.
  • Posting in “peacetime” is unacceptable. In times of crisis, many go on their own to where they are needed. In such a situation, they can still be commanded. But this should not and should not be incorporated into the service relationship, because it is an attitude that conforms to a uniformed organization, the expert told Népszava.
  • The most difficult thing about restructuring, it takes political courage, is closing in places where there are no longer the right tools or professionals to have a safe cure. A XXI. There are simply not enough medical and professional teams to meet the requirements of the 20th century to reach every small town.
  • If the law is not changed, then 20-30, but up to 40 percent of doctors can refuse to sign new employment contracts.
  • The MOK will fully support the Chamber of Labor in its efforts to increase workers’ wages as well. But professionals also need to be organized.
  • As long as the doctor performing the surgery can make it to the waiting list, there will be thank you money. Therefore, it is necessary to differentiate between who operates the patient and who manages the waiting list.
  • It must be clear and visible in which institution to expect what and how much. If there is transparent care that accurately describes how many patients the novice specialist, the assistant professor, had to be reoperated because, for example, the wound became infected, then the patient can also choose.
