Coronavirus: the epidemic does not subside in the world, the number of cases per day already exceeds 10 thousand in the Czechs


In the Czech Republic, for the first time since the outbreak, the number of recently confirmed coronavirus infections has exceeded 10,000. Laboratory tests on Friday revealed 11,105 new infections, the highest daily number of cases to date.

According to statements published on the website of the Ministry of Health on Saturday, the epidemic, which began in March, has so far left 1,283 people in the Czech Republic. Hospitals currently treat a record number of 3,120 people, 551 of whom are classified as serious by doctors.

International comparisons show that the number of confirmed cases per day in October is much higher in the Czech Republic than in neighboring Germany, which has a much larger population. Compared to the end of September, the number of deaths has doubled and the number of hospitalized cases has tripled. The number of severe cases is similarly increasing.

According to the Minister of Health, Roman Prymula, epidemiological data will increase for another ten days to two weeks. About four percent of those infected are hospitalized, with about 20 percent of severe cases among them. Vladimir Cerny, the national coordinator of intensive hospital treatments, said on Friday that the coming weeks will put great pressure on hospitals, especially staff, but that the system is not in danger of collapsing. Prymula claimed that the capacity of intensive care beds in hospitals has doubled, but a field hospital in Prague is absolutely necessary. Arrangements have been made to build a similar field hospital in Brno in one of the pavilions of the international fair and in some other major cities, if necessary.

The Czech Republic has been in a state of emergency since the beginning of October. Schools, restaurants, clubs are closed and cultural and sporting events are also suspended. The use of face masks is widely mandatory. No further precautions are expected next week, the head of the Health Ministry told a news conference on Friday. Head of State Milos Zeman addressed the people of the country in an extraordinary televised speech on Friday night and asked everyone to be consistent in taking precautions.

