Emőke Bagdy: I ​​distance myself from everything that leads to the destruction of books, to the exclusion of other people.


Posted on Facebook Bagdy Emőke a psychologist in which he describes various things about the scandals of previous weeks.

1. I answered the journalist’s question about the storybook in question just because I didn’t know about the book before.

2. In my answer, I used a professional approach, which I still maintain, sexual sensitization of children at a certain age is not recommended.

3. I distance myself from any action that leads to the destruction of books, to the exclusion of other people.

4. I have dedicated all my work to helping the individual and society to work together in the most harmonious way possible, facilitating the integration of those in need, creating the most conducive environment possible.

5. On the basis of your difference from the majority, stigmatization of anyone is completely unacceptable to me.

My previous position can only be communicated in its entirety without any changes.
From now on, I do not want to comment on this topic, I will only be open to meaningful discussions in professional forums and will work with colleagues.

– is in the post. Bagdy responds with the announcement saying earlier in a children’s story book, Fairy Tale for All, that “gendarmes” pose a threat to young children.

In response, more than a thousand psychologists distanced themselves from Bagdy’s work because they thought it was contrary to the current state of science. Bagdy was outraged by this, trying to explain his train of thought in a slightly confused way.

We also write in more detail about the scientific background to the case in this article.
