Doctors are refusing to sign the contract due to secondment and new provisions for second and third jobs.

About 3,100 doctors in Budapest would not write a contract on the legal service relationship under current conditions, writes the referring to the quick survey of the Budapest organization of the Hungarian Medical Chamber.

The organization sent the questionnaire to 13,800 members of the chamber on Wednesday and received a 22 percent response within 48 hours. It turned out that 87.7 percent of them reject that the new provisions determine the possibility of occupying second or third places. In an even higher proportion, 93.7 percent of them refuse the appointment of doctors for 1 + 1 year when there is no emergency. 81.5 percent of them said they would not sign a contract that includes these terms.

According to the article, those who reject the contract constitute 22 percent of all doctors in the capital, if they do not assume the status of civil servant from the beginning of next year, it would mean a serious interruption of medical care in Budapest.

The government approved the Hungarian Medical Chamber’s proposal to increase salaries almost two weeks ago, and parliament already agreed with the bill presented last Tuesday. Under the law, which was voted on at a stormy pace, doctors’ salaries will increase in three steps, by 120 percent, reaching full levels in January 2023.

After the adoption of the legislation, the Hungarian Medical Chamber announced that it agreed with the salary increase and the intention to create a more modern and transparent healthcare system. However, they also added that the one-step standardization of legal relationships and the strict restriction of second places could render disciplines and institutions useless.

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Györgyi Balla

There is a possibility that the law on increasing the salaries of doctors (also), which has since been passed by parliament, may not materialize as expected: by 2023, salaries, which will increase by 120 per hundred in three steps, may not be attractive enough for Hungarian doctors worked abroad for many years to return to Hungary. From Greece to Austria, Sweden, Germany and England to Australia, we look at how much doctors earn and what the new salary will be enough for.

Malfunction, unacceptable grievances: Hungarian Medical Chamber also evaluated the law on salary increases
At home

They analyzed point by point what they considered modified or completely unacceptable in the Law of Legal Relations of the Health Service.