Emőke Bagdy: I ​​distance myself from all actions that lead to the destruction of books, the exclusion of other people.


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In a Facebook post, he closed the turbulence of the past days and weeks with “Fairy Tale for Everyone.” storybook due to a case after Emőke Bagdy, a psychologist.

This was the storybook that Dora Duró, representing our Hungarian party, had torn to shreds because she found it detrimental to children’s development, and then, among others, Fluor Tomi, but even the Prime Minister, considered it important to take a position on it. The book was totally banned in the Csepel kindergartens.

In the profession of psychologist, Emőke Bagdy, answering a question, stated that sexual sensitization of children at an early age is not recommended. However, more than 1,000 psychologists argued otherwise, and Bagdy was given the name of the book, citing his colleague’s criticism as unprofessional.

Bagdy rejected this in the Hungarian nation earlier this week, citing, among other things, that psychological evidence of epigenetic development suggests that the age of 3 to 6 is a sensitive period of identification with one’s gender.

Bagdy then posted again on his Facebook page on Friday, closing the case for himself, distancing himself from the book destruction but keeping his opinion. He wrote that he no longer made a statement on the matter and that his allegations could only be made in their entirety:

In response to recent press releases about me, I issue the following statement.

  • 1. I answered the journalist’s question about the storybook in question just because I didn’t know about the book before.
  • 2. In my answer, I used a professional approach, which I still maintain, sexual sensitization of children at a certain age is not recommended.
  • 3. I distance myself from any action that leads to the destruction of books, to the exclusion of other people.
  • 4. I have dedicated all my work to helping the individual and society to work together in the most harmonious way possible, facilitating the integration of those in need, creating the most conducive environment possible.
  • 5. On the basis of your difference from the majority, stigmatization of anyone is completely unacceptable to me.
  • My previous position can only be communicated in its entirety without any changes. In the future, I do not want to comment on this topic, I will only be open to substantive discussions in professional forums and work with colleagues. Thanks for your understanding prof. Dr. Bagdy Emőke

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