SZFE students also recovered the Ódry Stage


About a thousand people gathered in front of the University of Theater and Motion Picture Arts at 6 pm on Friday night. That’s when the deadline passed Gábor Szarka, the university recently appointed the rector to evacuate the building.

SZFE protest students hold a press conference, at the beginning of which several people chanted Ádám Nádasdy Stay, stay.

It was then announced that the guidelines for the evacuation of the building would be rejected. It was announced that the university would take the fall recess as before because the vice chancellor who required the reform had been appointed in violation of the law, so the provision he issued was not legal either. The students say they will take legal action.

Photo: János Marjai /

Epidemiological measures have been reported to have forced universities to maintain in-person education, and they too consider this to be the guiding principle. According to them, the chancellor does not support their decision in any way and has not pointed to any objective decision to justify the eviction, this was born to silence the student protest.

The newly appointed chancellor is exercising powers abusively, they said. He had previously ordered the termination of the internet service agreed to in the contract and also delayed the payment of salaries, and now they would deprive university students of their homes.

SZFE students turned to the 8th district clerk for property protection.

The students appreciated the offer of the capital, but the change of place of education is not considered opportune, they continue their education in the streets Szentkirályi and Vas. Students monitor the building as a room and maintain the lock.

Photo: János Marjai /

Eventually, they were also told that they would return because in the meantime they had tried to evacuate the hallways and bedrooms, but they would be protected.

The entire press conference lasted about ten minutes, but many in the crowd are still debating whether to stick around in case they start to evacuate the building.

Around seven thirty, the students announced that they had indeed tried to evacuate the hallways, but failed, defending the building. Indicating this, they also went up to the roof and from there greeted the crowd, much of which stood there in front of the building.

Around seven, it was finally announced that not only had both buildings been rescued from the evacuation, but also the Ódry stage, which had been closed yesterday and where their forums had been held so far, had been recaptured.

Featured image: Marjai János /
