Index – National – SZFE students are evicted – Minutes by Minutes


The SZFE professors wrote an open letter to the maintainer, rector and vice-rectors of MB of the University of Theater and Cinematographic Arts:

“He is transparently using a pandemic as an excuse to force protesting students to give up their college reservation.

All this in a situation where, despite the large number and periodic testing, there is not a single positive case of COVID among university citizens, thanks to the exceptionally strict epidemiological rules in Hungarian higher education introduced by university occupants to protect the community.

In his Oct. 13 statement, he wrongly accused the protesters of making education impossible. So he has used all possible means to make education impossible.

Teachers and students have been deprived of infrastructure! From the necessary educational spaces!

Finally, by bringing forward and extending the fall break for a proverbial reason, education was completely banned in an unprecedented way!

With this, educational and creative processes are interrupted. There is invaluable and irreparable harm to students.

In an inhumane way, our colleagues are evacuated within a few hours. In the case of our disadvantaged or cross-border students, this means the withdrawal of housing.

Its current arrangement is atrociously rejected by the entire teaching community. We have a contractual right to education, students have the right to learn, and you have no right to avoid it!

Teaching Community of the University of Theater and Cinematographic Arts “
