Index – Domestic – Garbage situation in Tiszavasvár: rats have already appeared


Every Monday at dawn the garbage truck appears in Tiszavasári. They stop in front of the houses, empty the plastic containers, and then move from house to house, street to street according to regular hours. The garbage truck driver, on the other hand, knows which streets you don’t have to turn into: the Wide and Narrow streets bordered by Katona József Street. The reason is prosaically simple, unnecessary, because there are no garbage cans on these streets.

The difficulty is only caused by someone’s trash who doesn’t have a trash can and a trash delivery contract with him.

This has already been reported to us by Zsolt Kiss, who lives in the settlement. As he says, every Monday he goes to the garbage truck and they don’t look at who has a contract or not. The service provider bills and in some way pays the people who are there.

The need for change is not new. Slowly for ten years, the people who live here have been trying to obtain not only a trash can, but also a valid waste shipping contract.

While the debate between the opposing parties stops,

garbage hill just rises

on Wide and Narrow Streets, where, despite the misleading names, both lines are almost identical. Then for two hundred meters the descending viscosity aligns very close to each other. Between the houses, only half the area of ​​a soccer field remains, which is not built. But instead of playing sports or walking, this area is used for a more useful purpose by the people who live here. Mothers and children calmly walk in, drop the bag into their hands, and then, as if they had done their job well, turn around. Part of the pile falls into the container.

Because it is the only landfill in the area.

Before it was semi-official, now it is illegal. This is reported by one of the Progress Activist Group employees, dr. Ferenc Horváth. It recognizes that the need for the settlement leadership to share the burden and costs of Roma-run settlement is legitimate, but no matter how it is resolved.

Garbage dumps, being everywhere

So far, the municipality has specially solved the garbage collection in the gypsy settlement. The closed garbage truck, well known elsewhere, looks different on the streets inhabited by Roma: a large open-bed truck carrying a container. It was still empty there, but ten minutes later it was carrying the other five cubic meter load to the brink. The Roma who lived here filled the collection container for a few days and then until the others arrived, they were forced to put the garbage next to the container. Both the eligible and the unauthorized brought the waste.

The municipality has now changed its mind, removed the previous unfortunate conditions, but its eyes remained.

Over the years, many have tried to find a good solution. In 2012, the SZEMpont Association

Clear telep

organized a garbage collection campaign, for which the municipality of Tiszavasavár was asked to deliver free containers. The municipality did not support the problem-solving initiative and did not provide the requested containers. As part of the You Take campaign, public trash has been collected with volunteers for years.

Vasvári, as the locals call him, has been the center of attention several times. For eight years, starting in 2010, it was led by Erik Fülöp, Mayor of Jobbik, and today Zoltán Szőke, who started in the colors of Fidesz, manages the settlement of twelve thousand people. Here, in addition to György Zagyva, Márton Gulyás, who once won a parliamentary mandate in the colors of the Jobbik party, also devoted himself to public works. The reporter wore a work suit for a few days and presented the difficulties of the settlement’s inhabitants in a series of reports.

In the video made in 2016, local conditions are well illustrated by the way dr. Dr. István Káldi is speaking. During the conversation, he says that he has been working in the village for 33 years and during that time

the number of Roma has more than doubled,

According to him, there are some among them who cannot even read or write. It was later revealed that due to poor hygiene, the hepatitis A virus appeared in the secreted.

However, it has become a constant and recurring problem that for the families who live there, the land registry is in a chaotic state and they cannot conclude a contract based on it.

This was also resented by lawyer Ferenc Horváth.

It was good like this for eight to ten years, they did not care, they all accepted the situation in silence. The containers were brought and carried, and everyone who lived here was left in a state of learned helplessness.

In vain, the LAG employee wanted to find a compromise solution, constantly colliding with concrete walls. No one from the mayor’s office spoke to him, his proposals were not taken seriously.

As he put it:

all he wanted to do was clear the trash.

The lawyer’s suggestion was that anyone who does not have a waste transportation contract should also not be able to claim social assistance in the settlement.

At the end of September this year, the city council made a provision in the area of ​​container waste. We looked for the new decree on the city’s website, however there is no trace of it. Among other things, this is also resented by Ferenc Horváth, since

the public has not been informed in any way,

and no temporary fix or measure has been implemented until residents can enter into a garbage collection contract. Because then everyone wants to, but due to the mess of the cadastre, this implies a long bureaucracy.

Until then, however, no empty containers will arrive. The pile got bigger and rats also appeared around his eyes.

Ferenc Horváth also fears the possible risk of infection. He believes that the city leadership did not want to find a solution, but made a dictatorial decision that will be difficult for many to implement.

We also contacted the mayor’s office, which so far has not responded to our questions. We get advice from the mayor’s secretary for more information on the city’s website. Where nothing can be read about all this.

(Cover image: A dog searches for food in the garbage collected in the Széles út gypsy settlement in Tiszavasvár on December 1, 2012. About three thousand Roma live in the settlement. Photo: Attila Balázs / MTI)
