Table of Contents – Foreign – According to a Former White House Physician, Biden Is Not Fit for the Presidency


Dr. Ronnie Jackson, a former official White House physician, said Joe Biden, a Democratic presidential candidate, was unfit for the presidency because of his health. Dr. Jackson also gave details, saying that Biden’s intellectual abilities make him unfit to be commander-in-chief of the US military. “I know exactly what physical and mental skills are required for this, and also what the burden of this position is.” Dr. Jackson said, according to an article in the New York Post, who is otherwise a Republican and is currently campaigning for his own parliamentary seat.

As an ordinary citizen, not a representative candidate, I say that I have had the opportunity to follow Joe Biden’s campaign and I am convinced that his current mental abilities do not allow him to be the commander-in-chief of our force and the leader of our country. .

– She continued. Dr. Jackson supposedly knows what he’s talking about, having held the title of official White House physician during the presidencies of GW Bush and Barack Obama, and was also the title holder for the first two years of the Trump’s presidency. He finally left the White House there in 2018 when he applied for a velvet ministerial chair. By the way, Dr. Jackson is also a Navy admiral, who has become truly known for his memorable statement that Donald Trump can live up to 200 years. “I’m not trying to make any remote diagnoses, I’m not saying that Biden has Alzheimer’s disease or anything else.” Dr. Jackson continued, who is not alone in his opinion. Biden’s campaign staff have been forced to respond to similar comments on a number of occasions thus far – for example, in September, Mike McCormick, who worked with Biden from 2011 to 2017, told the Washington Free Beacon that he said skills Biden’s intellectuals are compared to.

It’s like seeing another person

McCormick, who had previously written a book about his time at the White House, explained. “He used to joke around and improvise a lot during campaigns. That has changed now, just read the prewritten texts. “ McCormick detailed.

Members of Biden’s campaign team have so far vehemently denied the Democratic presidential candidate’s cognitive problems.

By the way, Biden has repeatedly said strange and even embarrassing things to the general public, like that he is running for the Senate (not for the presidency). Dr. Jackson, and even Joe Biden himself, says that these are normal things about him that have nothing new. However, according to a former White House doctor, it was as if something had changed by now, because during his campaign and remarks, it repeatedly seemed that the Democratic candidate in mid-sentence would simply lose the thread, as if not had any idea what it was. What’s more, Biden, meanwhile, often displayed frustration or even aggression toward the interviewer. Campaigning in New Hampshire in February, for example, he called one of his interviewers, Madison Moore, a student at Mercer University, a “lying dog,” and in December, 83-year-old Merle Gorman was called a bastard. liar when asked about his business in Ukraine. “As a physician, I can say that these are known phenomena and tactics among cognitively impaired patients to salvage the situation.” Jackson explained. A former White House doctor has specifically stated that he is not criticizing Bident for his age, as he believes that a 100-year-old man can be completely fresh and mentally intact, but the Democratic candidate does not.

This work requires an unprecedented effort, a large amount of information needs to be analyzed,

and cope with several things at once. And Biden is also having a hard time concentrating on one thing right now. “ Dr. Jackson finally finished. President Trump, who is increasingly talking about his opponent’s mental decline, remarked on the subject that Biden should undergo a cognitive test, which he has already done, and has achieved a very good result. The president did not provide details or specifics, but his opponent refused to submit to such a test.

(Cover image: Joe Biden. Photo: Win McNamee / Getty Images)
