Index – Foreigner – Slovakia one step away from curfew, it is no longer possible to leave the street without a face mask


New precautions went into effect in Slovakia on Thursday to curb the coronavirus epidemic. At the national level, it is also mandatory to wear a mask in public spaces, writes MTI.

Previous decisions have already banned mass events and limited the number of shoppers in stores. From 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., grocery stores and pharmacies are reserved for those over 65. Cinemas, theaters and adventure baths are closed and restaurants can only be served on the terraces. High schools closed Monday and switched to distance learning. National championships in five major sports, including soccer and hockey they continue without spectators.

On Wednesday, 1,929 new coronavirus infections were identified in Slovakia, the highest daily number in history. Prime Minister Igor Matovič wrote on his community page that 12,500 tests were carried out in more than 5 million countries on Wednesday, which is also the most so far. The epidemic in Slovakia follows the situation in the Czech Republic with a delay of approximately two weeks.
