Testimony of Drudia de Claudia Liptai: Mermaid ambulance took my husband – Metropol


In her latest post, Claudia thanks those who played an important role in her recovery. Her publication also reveals the serious condition in which her husband was hospitalized, for whom she cried a lot. That is why the actress is a With Adam During a joint photo, he recounted his terrible days and feelings.
“It has been my favorite photo for a long time. Why? Now that we have overcome the difficulty, I will tell you about our 1 month Calvary. When I contracted the virus and we were all at home, I tried to separate myself, but since we don’t live in Buckingham Palace, it was just: Misson Sympathy. For a while it seemed that Adam had not detected it and then, at the end of our quarantine, he did a test that came back positive. From the beginning, it seemed that the same virus had a completely different effect on him. He coughed a lot, among other symptoms.. He waited patiently, as is written in the protocol, for the symptoms to subside. Practically everything, except the cough, disappeared on the fifth day. The coughing did not subside and I felt increasingly ill here. His quarantine was almost over when his condition worsened. The fever escaped and he got very down. I immediately called the doctor, who almost yelled at me to call an ambulance immediately. I will never forget the time when I left my young son alone in kindergarten and my husband was taken down the same road by a siren ambulance. A few hours later, Adam, who so far had barely been able to speak, said he had extensive pneumonia and that he would be transferred to the intensive care unit. You must know the feeling when you pull the rug out from under your feet. For us, the days that followed were filled with this flight. I tried to maneuver the kids between work and a thousand phones a day with Adam. At night I would sit alone on the couch and cry.

The reason we share this with you now is the infinite love, care and experience we have received.

Thanks to our friends for fate. There was someone who took care of our children at night because he had to go shooting. Some people did the same thing all day. Some helped Adam get home inside. But everyone did the most important thing to keep the soul within us.

And without whom I could not have brought him home yesterday: the doctors who accompanied us throughout our illness and the nurses at Korányi Hospital, the doctors who worked tirelessly to get home as quickly as possible. We owe them eternal gratitude.

So in the end, I really only wish you all one thing: Good health!“Claudia closes her lines.
