Index – Economy – The government would also embark on the renovation of the Chain Bridge


In recent weeks there has been a debate on the economic and financial situation of the local government of the capital, and long before the Public Development Council of Budapest, the capital told us what its position is for today’s meeting, Balázs Fürjes started today’s press conference. “They are asking for government support for loans, they are asking for government support for tax increases and they are asking for significant government support, worth some HUF 55 billion for capital developments,” he said.

Fürjes assumes that there is a debate between us, there is no democracy without debate, especially in such a political co-tenancy. Controversies should not be feared, but should be conducted openly and honestly, objectively, seeking a solution, he emphasized.

“The mayor asked that the above be the main points on the agenda, that he take them forward. We comply with this request. A loan of HUF 70 billion from the capital, the introduction of the Christmas tax in Budapest and the amount of the solidarity contribution from the capital and the essence of the debate is whether this municipality is in a difficult situation and whether the government is afflicting the municipality of Budapest, ”he said.

The mayor has a debate not with us, the government, but with the facts, the economists and Moody’s credit rating, he continued. We will talk about the need to impose a Christmas tax on businesses in Budapest and put Budapest back into debt.

He stressed that if the capital’s proposals are accepted, the capital will be in debt, “this story is already known.” According to him, Ferenc Gyurcsány’s recipe seems to be developing, which the government is trying to avoid: tax increases, austerity, indebtedness.

It is hot in summer and cold in winter.

Let’s sit down, let’s have the debates, the fact that we have debates is not a reason not to talk to each other. At the same time, we also see that there is a political product, and that is complaining, making excuses, passing the responsibility to someone else: faulty stubble, faulty government, hot in summer, cold in winter!

Fürjes sees that the city administration is trying to create the impression that there is a huge and violent government, and against it the small defenseless self-government, and the big one hurts the little one.

In the spirit of a constructive and fair society, the government proposes to the capital to provide assistance to the local government of the capital, which will avoid indebtedness, tax increases and ensure the implementation of improvements, it was said.

The essence of our proposal is to relieve the burden of the local government of the capital, take care of certain expenses of the local government of the capital, support the capital and alleviate the budget situation in the capital. All this increases the budgetary room for maneuver of the city administration and the local government of Budapest.

The main points by the government are:

• Don’t take another loan

• Don’t raise taxes

• You don’t have a Christmas tax

• The developments we agree to must be assumed and implemented by the Budapest government rather than the local capital government, in addition to the FULL assumption and coverage of costs, and to facilitate the capital’s budget, but only if the local government of the capital requires it!

As detailed: in the case of all absorbed developments, it undertakes and guarantees that the developments will be planned jointly and that these urban / urban investments will be carried out only in accordance with the construction-architecture-art plans approved by the capital municipality.

The capital has requested $ 55 billion, these are covered by the government proposals, but the specific list will be presented at a press conference after the Metropolitan Public Development Council meeting.

The government seeks cooperation with the capital, according to which it is willing to carry out a total discharge, for example, in the interrupted construction of the Liget project.

– Balázs Fürjes, Budapest, and the Secretary of State for the Development of the Budapest Agglomeration, responded to a question from the press at a press conference held at the Ministry of Finance on Thursday. It was also said at the event that

but this will only be “added to the list” if Mayor Gergely Karácsony has opened it. As Fürjes said, the government is also interested in a developing Budapest free of debt, it does not aim to “go to war”.

“We respect that as of today, the Chain Bridge is the property of the capital and its renovation is the responsibility of the current mayor. Previously it belonged to István Tarlós, who planned the remodeling, got the plans, but the voters decided that this work should be completed by Gergely Karácsony, we are waiting for progress. The bridge is deteriorating, making it more expensive day by day, this development is not good for anyone, but if you want the capital to take over, we are ready to negotiate it ”, he repeated.

At the press conference, he called on the excuses of the municipal administration for not renovating the historic bridge because they could not find a contractor with enough experience for such volume and type of work to be a quail incapacity at the press conference.

Always listen to excuses

He declared.

They are sitting at a table

Today, the capital’s government and leadership are reconciling within the Metropolitan Public Development Council, the Index previously reported. In addition to the large investments in Budapest, the meeting will also focus on the solidarity contribution and the possible introduction of a reset tax collected by the City Council. The government delegation is headed by Gergely Gulyás, head of the Prime Minister’s Office, while the capital is headed by Gergely Karácsony, the mayor.

As a guest of InfoRádió’s Arena, Gergely Karácsony said on Tuesday that the meeting will also focus on the loss of tax revenue in the capital. The mayor said that proposals will be discussed today where conciliation is already underway at the expert level. Of these, he highlighted the change in tax legislation because, as he said, it is essential to change the very difficult financial situation of the capital city.

The Index knows that at the meeting

It could also be the cycle lanes of the capital,

which were strongly criticized by the government side while the capital was happy with them. In an exclusive interview with Index in early October, Balázs Fürjes spoke about

I have started a dialogue and have made proposals, until now in vain, to end the artificial confrontation between motorcyclists and cyclists. It is worth changing in another way. What I missed so much was the prior social dialogue, stakeholder interviews, and thorough professional preparation that was often promised on behalf of participants. Both help to get rid of clumsiness. (…) We agree that a new balance is needed in transport in the capital. The goal is that people can choose public transport voluntarily, voluntarily. Meanwhile, let’s not penalize those who use the car to organize family life or to go to work or work!
