The new management of SZFE closed the room where the students had been training until now


After the internet was shut down, the Ódry Stage, which serves as the venue for student forums, was also closed to SZFE students by the new university leadership. 444 wrote that the students noticed that the caretakers closed the Old Dry Stage away from them and unloaded their belongings stored inside.

The keys were put into operation, but to ensure that the students could not return, the locks were also replaced. The Ódry Stage had never been closed before, the students didn’t even know there was a key to it. They used this room for their forums because they could meet up to seventy at a time so they weren’t too crowded.

Gábor Szarka Chancellor admitted Wednesday that he had disconnected the internet in the college dorm. “Students go to places where it would not be appropriate to enter and they do not follow the internal rules of operation of the university,” he said. At the same time, the students indicated that they would continue with their university reservation and also acquired radiators in case the management also turned off the heating.

Featured image: Márton Mohos /
