Up to 400K Can Get New Graduate – Opportunity Worth Seizing


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Learning is still a good investment, as young people with a master’s degree can find a job faster and are in a better position than those with a bachelor’s degree in terms of income. This is supported by Júlia Varga is an economist, one of the Principal Investigators of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, a Study published in the MTA Labor Market Mirror 2018 publication also, which shows how the labor market situation of graduates up to 35 years changed between 2004 and 2018.

The specialist’s research found that more than 80 percent of master’s graduates were employed for the entire period.

At the beginning of the period, elementary school graduates worked at the same rate as master’s graduates, and then their employment rate fell by 7 percentage points between 2006 and 2010, probably as a result of the economic crisis.

That is, in the crisis, master’s graduates were fundamentally better off than those with bachelor’s degrees.

At the same time, the expert also points out that as of 2010, the occupation of undergraduate students began to increase again and by 2016 it had already reached 80 percent.

It is worth applying for a master’s degree

The Graduate Career Tracking System also confirms that it is worth it for students to spend two more years studying, both in terms of future earnings and employment. In 2015/2016, The average starting salary for students graduating from the Faculty of Economics is HUF 277,786 gross based on data from the Graduate Career Tracking System, and found work an average of 1.92 months after graduating from college. Unlike the average starting salary for master’s graduates is HUF 382,292 gross, and they were able to find employment in a slightly shorter period of time, 1.31 months, for full-time graduates.

The data also shows that salary and expected date of employment also depend on who graduated from which college.

For example, the average starting income of Master’s students graduating from BCE is HUF 427099 gross, which is much higher than average, and our students can find a job in less than a month on average.

He told Portfolio Out of helga Dean Responsible for Master’s DegreesIn addition to the university’s master’s education being highly practice-oriented, students can gain real experience working with corporate clients, working with the leaders of larger companies.

In two years, a significant network of contacts can be developed, which graduates can draw on after graduation. Dual programs, for example, go a long way in this, as students spend three days a week at university and two at one of Corvinus’ corporate partners, so they really become part of the workflow. .The expert commented.

In dual training, the collaborating partners are the country’s leading audit firms, such as PricewaterhouseCoopers, KPMG or Ernst & Young, and students do not work for free, they are paid, that is, they study, develop their career and earn money at the same time weather.

Helga Habis, Dean of Master’s at Corvinus University in Budapest

It makes many students wonder how to reconcile their studies with their work. Nor do they have to renounce the master’s degree who, for various reasons, cannot follow full-time training.

In the semester of 2021, seven master’s programs will be launched, including those that can be done even while working. An example is international taxation, which begins in English and can be done in a correspondence course. Furthermore, the training program has been developed in collaboration with large consulting firms in response to their labor market needs, providing up-to-date practical knowledge.”Habis Helga said, adding that we have to adapt to the needs of the students.

Tracking hundreds of business schools around the world, the Financial Times compiles an international ranking of the best business schools and their training each year. The Corvinus Master of Management and Organization is ranked 90th this year in the Financial Times Master of Management global ranking, which lists management courses.

According to the survey, the average salary of students who graduate from the Master of Management and Organization three years after graduation is HUF 600,000 gross.

and this training begins in the afternoon, for example, at night.

International experience during college years

The dean emphasized that in addition to the network of contacts already established during the university years, the possibility of completing the master’s degree is also worth considering due to international experience.

Many courses can be completed in the form of a double degree, meaning students can earn a degree from a reputable foreign university in addition to a degree from Corvinus University. Depending on the nature of the program, the student must complete one semester (s) at a foreign partner, which provides a great opportunity for students to see the world, learn about a new culture, use their language skills in practice, all This can mean a lot in later employment.The expert commented.

The article was supported by the Corvinus University of Budapest.

Cover image: Getty Images
