Cecília Müller warned: this spray should not be used massively against the coronavirus


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The national medical director opened the briefing with a presentation of the latest epidemiological data. According to them, 1,555 are hospitalized and 167 of them with ventilators. Severe patients during their hospitalization often have rapid disease progression and may require a ventilator. Therefore, people with chronic illnesses should pay attention to themselves, he suggested.

He recalled that the government had decided to provide the flu vaccine free of charge to all citizens. The vaccine is now available in districts, GPs, and occupational physicians.

The national medical director asked those at high risk to seize the opportunity. Of course, the flu vaccine against the coronavirus does not provide protection, he stressed. However, the target organ of both viruses is the lower respiratory tract, so it is important to protect yourself against at least one.

There are groups that are at higher risk because of their work. We definitely want to protect them: health workers, health care workers, social assistance workers, public service workers (government officials, public order workers, transportation workers) who are exposed to a lot of contact during their work and therefore can become more easily infected.

In recent days, we have also heard that a nasal spray against coronavirus is spreading. This is an aerosol in the experimental stage, but it is under investigation, it is being tested under laboratory conditions, but its effect has not yet been clinically proven. For this reason, I warn everyone not to use it too often and not at all, as it is an antiallergic spray that is still pending tests from the point of view of efficacy, explained Cecília Müller.

On the contrary, we can harm you. If such a spray is used too often, the nasal mucosa dries out and this provides a favorable basis for the colonization of pathogens.

he warned.

The Money Center reported a separate article on the active ingredient found in certain nasal sprays.

Normally, the saturation of the three institutions that have been designated as the first round of care in Budapest is between 50 and 70%. If these institutions reach 80% saturation, they will be signaled by the National Center for Public Health and the second round of attention will enter the queue, he explained in response to a question and then listed:

  • External clinical block of the University of Semmelweis
  • Bajcsy Zsilinszky Hospital
  • St. Imre Hospital
  • Uzsoki Street Hospital
  • Péterffy Hospital and
  • Pest Flór Ferenc County Hospital.

There are also third-round care facilities, he said.

In another answer he said Currently, therapeutic preparations against coronavirus can only be used in one institution. Some of them are not even registered as their research is in the clinical phase. They can only be used for controlled purposes. Under no circumstances should you buy such a drug online, but if you find one, we will also ask for a report because these unknown drugs can cause serious harm to health, he explained.

He asked the public not to buy a quick test online.

It is not self-diagnosing, these tests are for institutional use, he added.

As of Thursday, it is possible to travel from Hungary to Romania without any quarantine obligation, the deputy head of the guard center of the operational strain responsible for protection against the coronavirus epidemic said at the online press conference on Thursday. The Romanian national epidemiology operative strain updated the list of high-risk countries according to data from the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control on Monday. According to the decision of the Romanian police agencies, Hungary will not be among the high-risk countries from Thursday at dawn, he added.

The police have acted in 39 cases in the last 24 hours because passengers traveling in public transport did not use or did not use a mask correctly. In businesses and public institutions, action was required in 37 cases for the same offense. Traffic is fluid at the country’s borders, travelers can wait 2-3 hours of waiting at the border crossings of Csanádpalota, Röszke, Tompa and Beregsurány.

Cover Image Source: Hungarian Government Facebook page
