Index – National – Cecília Müller: Nobody should do a quick test or self-diagnosis online!


The government offers free flu vaccination to any citizen who decides to live with it.

Whoever is at high risk should seize the opportunity and get vaccinated!

Cecília Müller called for a responsible attitude in Thursday’s briefing by the operational staff.

A separate flu vaccine is available for adults and children. Children between the ages of 6 and 36 months receive a childhood vaccine twice, and a 3-component vaccine has been developed for adults to provide protection against two types of influenza A and one. Typically type A appears during the flu period.

Vaccine applicants are received in the morning or after the patient is ordered, reducing the number of contacts and therefore the possibility of infection. There has been a low level of interest in flu vaccination in recent years, but it would be nice if they were classified as higher risk this year due to their age and health. It is also worth giving it to those who are most exposed to infection through their work: health workers, those cared for in a health institution, public employees, transport workers who are exposed to many contacts.

The chief physician stressed that the clinical condition is crucial for recovery. They are,

who leave the hospital in good general condition, however, can still produce a positive or negative test for weeks. They are free to enter the community as a positive PCR test does not indicate automatic infectivity.

Regarding an aerosol in experimental stage, he said that its effect has not yet been clinically proven, it is basically an antiallergic spray, but the chief doctor warned everyone against excessive use, which could even be harmful, since frequent use dries out the mucous and becomes vulnerable.

It has been posed as a question from a journalist that a drug against the coronavirus, such as remdesivir or chloroquine, is available on various Internet portals. They are for institutional use only. Some of them are not even registered. Medicines of unknown origin can cause serious damage to health. There is a strict order for the authorization of medicines. In no way should a quick test be purchased online, this is not allowed as they are only intended to be used by professional personnel.
