Index – Foreign – Bident attacked the New York Post, censoring them on Twitter and Facebook


The New York Post published some letters from Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, about the family’s business relationships in Ukraine. The emails show that Hunter Biden had introduced his father, who was then vice president of the Barack Obama administration from 2009 to 2017, to the top executives of the Ukrainian energy company Burisma a year before Joe Biden, as vice president, lobbied for Ukrainian government officials to do so. fire the Attorney General who is investigating possible corruption cases in Burisma.

Hunter Biden has been a member of Burisma’s board of directors since 2014 for busy pay ($ 50,000 per month). His relationship with Burma – and his other lucrative deals in China and Russia – was already known, but it was not that he reunited his father with the leaders of the Ukrainian energy company.

Now, however, an email dated May 2015 revealed that Vadim Pozsarsky, an adviser to the Burisma board, thanked Hunter Biden for introducing him to his father. A year earlier, the same Ukrainian expert had sent a letter to Hunter Biden,

how he “could use his influence” to benefit the Ukrainian company.

In this regard, The Wall Street Journal noted:

“Joe Biden’s earlier claims that he never spoke to his son about his business are not true.”

We reviewed the schedule for Joe Biden’s official meetings at the time, and the meeting the New York Post wrote about never took place, Andrew Bates, a spokesman for Biden’s campaign, said Wednesday night. He added that they do not want to respond to the content of the letters because the New York Post did not ask the campaign team for their opinion.

So far, the story would fit into a series of political scandals common to US presidential campaigns. However, Facebook and Twitter transformed a story into that

they declined to provide details of the correspondence.

Additionally, White House spokesperson Kayleigh McEnany also wrote that the two tech companies also censored it. As he indicated, he was not allowed to share the documents that belonged to Joe Biden.

The New York Post, which told the story, also flirted with this censorship.

If anyone doubts the corruption of Facebook and Twitter: the two companies censored an article in the Post on Wednesday in which we wrote that Hunter Biden has put money in his pocket for introducing someone to his father.

Wrote Australian publicist Miranda Devine. Devine indicated that Twitter was even trying to protect Biden’s campaign by deactivating the weekly’s account. But it also blocked access to publications referring to the New York Post article. Twitter has warned about this content that the content contains a “malicious” link.

In fact, the Post article could be “potentially harmful” or “dangerous” solely for the Biden campaign. Respectively, already on the credibility of Facebook and Twitter as well

The publicist added.

Later, by the way, Jack Dorsey, president and CEO of Twitter, issued a statement in which he described his own company’s decision as a wrong decision.

The emails reached the New York Post and Hunter Biden took his laptop for repair to a computer specialist who found the emails and made a copy of them.

Fox News, close to Republicans, also featured Wednesday in a recording made in January 2018 at a Council on Foreign Affairs event. In a sinister conversation, Joe Biden laughed and told the audience how he had blackmailed Ukrainian leaders, as Vice President of the United States, demanding the removal of the Attorney General who was investigating alleged corruption cases in Burisma, and pointed to Kiev that the United States government would not give the Ukrainian government otherwise. applied for a loan of one billion dollars.
